South Asia Nationalist Movement & Independence. Years leading up to WWI Groups like the Indian National Congress (INC) formed Virtually all of INC = urban,


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Presentation transcript:

South Asia Nationalist Movement & Independence

Years leading up to WWI Groups like the Indian National Congress (INC) formed Virtually all of INC = urban, British- educated Hindus

WWI Conditions resulting from WWI sparks broader public support for nationalism

Interwar Years – Major Event #1 Amritsar Massacre, 1919 = Amritsar Massacre, 1919 = Amritsar Massacre Amritsar Massacre Ended Indian effort to operate within British control Ended Indian effort to operate within British control

Gandhi Gandhi broadened movement through civil disobediencecivil disobedience

Salt March, 1930 = “Tea Party” of India. Solidified Gandhi’s popularity & effort at peaceful protest Interwar Years – Major Event #2

WWII Strain from WWII fostered greater resentment toward British control

Winning Independence INC (led by Gandhi) sought united & multicultural but independent India Muslim League (led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah) sought separate Muslim state

“The Muslims and Hindus belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, and literatures. They neither intermarry nor interdine. They belong to two different civilizations.” -Jinnah

Partition Partition & hasty British pullout = creates Muslim state (Pakistan)

India at a Crossroads UpFront Magazine Issue Read the magazine article, then: 1.What did you LEARN about Indian independence based on the video clips? 2.What did you LEARN about India after independence based on the article?

Bellringer True or False: “The caste system is alive and well in India today.” Explain your answer. Marriage ads

Partition: Borders Matter

Border ceremony Example: Kashmir Conflict over rightful ownership of land between India & Pakistan Causes: Water Hindu/India rule over Muslim majority partition Kashmir

Still…Modern India Stable democracy Economy growing 5% per yr Booming tech industry Bangalore clip

How India Got That Way Today, India is a federalist, secular democracy that allows a fair degree of autonomy in its regional states. There is continued tension between Hindus and Muslims, but the economy is growing rapidly. Use India’s history and examples from the text to explain how India got that way.