DO NOW You must be silent and working for credit Be on time Enter silently Grab papers Immediately start work No talking 1. How many days do we have left until we meet our big goal? 2. If someone committed a crime, how do you think scientists are involved in helping to solve the crime? 3. Imagine that you are assigned to solve a crime. What is the first thing you would do? 4. How do you think you’ve been doing in the class so far? Please reflect on your behavior, completion of classwork, and completion of homework.
DO NOW REVIEW 1. How many days do we have left until we meet our big goal? 2. If someone committed a crime, how do you think scientists are involved in helping to solve the crime? 3. Imagine that you are assigned to solve a crime. What is the first thing you would do? 4. How do you think you’ve been doing in the class so far? Please reflect on your behavior, completion of classwork, and completion of homework.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Job applications will be due on Wednesday, August 24 th. Depending on the # of applications I get, I may decide to hold interviews Homecoming committee – we will be meeting on Tuesday (tomorrow) at 2:30 in my room. Come prepared with ideas that you would like to see for this year’s homecoming! Grade updates– anyone whose grade is low – it’s pretty much because of your homework! Right now we have so few grades entered that it is really pulling down your grade! If there is an M on your progress report – you need to MAKE IT UP ASAP! You have until Friday to make up any missing work. Afterward, those Ms will become ZEROS
CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION! WELCOME TO THE CRIME LAB! You are now all new employees in our crime lab! A crime has been committed in my room – someone has vandalized the room and there are signs of possible fighting! It is up to us to figure out (through 5 different labs) who has vandalized our classroom You will be working in assigned groups of 4 to complete your lab assignments. You will get your assignments tomorrow
INTRODUCTION TO THE CRIME In order to be fully prepared to analyze this crime, we have received a debrief from the initial lab technicians who responded to the crime scene. I will cold-call over the room to ask students to read out the logistics and our best suspects. Be ready to be called on.
INQUIRY BIG GOAL What are we aiming for in this unit? This unit is meant to give you an idea of how science and chemistry are used in everyday life. We are also going to be working on three aspects of inquiry related to our big goal!
INQUIRY BIG GOAL! Please take out a piece of paper to write down the following: Inquiry: A close examination of a matter in a search for information or truth. Conduct an investigation that includes multiple trials and records data appropriately Organizes and displays data appropriately Draw conclusions based on supporting scientific evidence
LAB EQUIPMENT In order to begin the CSI unit, we all need to, as scientists, have a common language for talking about the equipment we’re using This way if I say “Grab a beaker”, you will know exactly what I’m talking about.
Lab Equipment Beaker
Lab Equipment Flask
Lab Equipment Meter Stick
Lab Equipment Graduated cylinder
Lab Equipment Electric Balance
Lab Equipment Forceps
Lab Equipment Pipettes
CLASS COMPETITION The class who gets through the equipment slides the fastest will win 5 class points You must say them in a soft voice – classes that are too loud will be disqualified!
Lab Equipment
EXIT TICKET 1. When will the finished product for your CSI Unit be due? 2. What areas of inquiry are we focusing on for this unit? 3. Name this piece of lab equipment: 4. If you have an “M” on your progress report, what should you do?