Schedule and Milestones Roy Preece STFC RAL FAC 17 th April 2015
Content Schedule – To Completion – Current Status Risk – Changes and Updates Summary 2
To Completion Schedule to Completion 3 The baseline schedule has been created joining the Step IV and Cooling Demonstration construction schedules Data taking periods for both Step IV and Cooling Demonstration have been included Critical Path for the project to completion has been found The RF Amplifier installation is a driving item due to the highly skilled resource required for much of the activity. Work is on-going to interact with the senior management of AsTEC and Daresbury TD to gain significant staff involvement. Installation of the first RF amplification system in the hall as early as possible will enable off line testing of the RF modules The Step IV data taking period is used as construction slack Hard milestone for end of data taking established – 1 st June 2016 This does mean that any slippage of the Step IV construction has an impact on data taking period If data taking is complete or no ISIS user runs are available at the 1 st June timescale, early re-configuration of the hall will commence. The data taking period for the Cooling Demonstration has an end date of March 2018 coinciding with the end of the UK FY UK Proposal required for 16/17 FY and will be prepared for submission toward the end of the this summer. Analysis and exploitation will continue after the the March 2018 set point and has not at the moment been fixed. Software and Computing schedule included in the master and will be monitored for progress and resource during the normal management of the project.
To Completion Schedule to Completion 4 During re-configuration the Upstream Spectrometer Solenoid can stay in place. We are planning to keep the magnet to at least Nitrogen temperatures to remove the need to retrain, time and cost mitigation. Cooler compressors on the North Messanine extension. The PRY materials surrounding the Upstream Spectrometer Solenoid can also stay in place and will be re-used for the Cooling Demonstration. The intension is to have the RF Module test area next to the Solenoid. In this position work for re-configuration can continue. Installation of waveguide and other required equipment can start during ISIS down time during the Step IV running period. RF Amplifier Area RF Module
To Completion Critical and Near 5 Critical and Near Critical path items Orange – <15 days total slack Yellow - >15 days < 30 days total slack Green are milestones Step IV Data Taking period starting 18 th August 2015 Hard end date of 1 st June 2016 Decommissioning Step IV RF System 2 Installation Rolling platforms and floor Cavity testing Parallel operations have been planned into the schedule ISIS beam off times will be utilised to advance work for the offline RF module testing – Installations behind the North wall and waveguide installations to test position.
To Completion Critical Path 6 Dates:- Step IV Construction Complete – 9 th June 2015 (26 th June 2015) Step IV Commissioning Complete – 18 th August 2015 (14 th October 2015) Step IV Data taking complete – 1 st June 2016 (Re-configuration must start) Cooling Demonstration Construction Complete – 31 st March 2017 (19 th June 2017) Cooling Demonstration Commissioning complete – 9 th May 2017 (16 th September 2017) End of Cooling Demonstration – 31 st March 2018 (End of proposed period) Blue trace – baseline schedule (inclusive of time contingency) Red trace – Risk loaded schedule (loaded onto the baseline)
Current Status Dashboard and Slip Chart Project dashboard showing the milestone slip chart and current critical path items. South side materials were delivered South PRY installation complete Racks have been installed to Rack room 2 Compressors are ready for use North side PRY materials have been packed and will be shipped very soon From the experience gained with the South side PRY frames and plates the North installation has been streamline. Re-working of the blocks of work for the Cooling Demonstration have allowed for time to be saved. 7
Current Status Dashboard and Slip Chart 8 All items now on the critical path are tasks that are sequential activities culminating in the completion of the Step IV construction. The South side PRY frames were used to setup and gain experience for the installation of the North side and there is a high probability that the installation will progress ahead of schedule.
Risk 9
Following the recommendations from the Hydrogen System Review panel further testing and signoff is required May not be ready for the Step IV operations Lithium Hydride will be used for first absorber data runs The Absorber will be installed and will be in place during the commissioning period to reduce future work Leak testing Cooler testing Lithium Hydride secondary discs Un-reasonable cost Mitigation is to replace with plastic at the bore of the solenoid Design and manufacturing required RF amplification expert personnel risk Associated with this risk the availability of the electrical / mechanical for the build up due to pressures from external projects This is in association with the need to ensure that the expert RF engineer and Software engineering are in place. Interactions with the senior management of AsTEC and TD to mitigate the impact and gain the expert personnel required. 10
Summary 11
Summary Step IV Highlight dates Construction Completed 9 th June 2015 Commissioning Complete 18 th August 2015 Data taking period Complete 1 st June 2016 Cooling Demonstration Highlight dates Step IV De-Commissioning Complete – 8 th July 2016 PRY, Magnet and Cavity Installation Complete – 25 th January 2017 Cooling Demonstration Installation Complete – 31 st March 2017 Cooling Demonstration Commissioning Complete - 9 th May 2017 Labour risk for RF Amplifier assembly and test Very high priority to ensure the resource is available for the work to be completed as soon as possible to ensure significant data can be taken before the end of September