Analysing different levels of sporting performance
Learning Objectives Topic – analysing different levels of sporting performance Skills Describe - give a detailed account in words Explain - describing it in more detail, providing an example Compare and contrast – Explaining the similarities and differences between two or more things Evaluate – Explain the advantages and disadvantages Justifying - give an explanation for your choice or inclusion of something from a referenced source. 1.One target should be affirmation of your current ability 2.Your second target should be something that you haven't done before
Personal Targets The fourth target should be to develop a specific learning skill that you need to improve. In your target you should identify how you are going to achieve it. Contribution - to make relevant contributions (spoken and actions) Develop and Express Opinions – based of facts and believes Make Decisions - ability to make appropriate decisions considering relevant implications and consequences. Ask relevant questions: ability to ask a range of relevant questions Make connections into other contexts: Make links between current situation and other contexts making relevant comparisons Time management: the ability to manage their own time to complete activities Focus: the ability to focus on the task in hand and work through distractions
Levels of Performance What levels of performance are there….? Levels: Foundation Participation Performance Elite What is this also known as….? Performance Pyramid
Purpose of Analysing Performance? Why analyse performance…..? Reasons: Improve future performance Identify strengths and areas to improve Provides vision Why analyse performance…..? Reasons: Improve future performance Identify strengths and areas to improve Provides vision
Further To This Purpose For Assignment Talent Identification Monitor current fitness levels Identification of strengths and areas for improvement Performance assessment Recovery after injury Assessment of health status Squad selection Goal setting
Activity 1 – Foundation Using the information provided write in full sentences and paragraphs that answers the following: Describe for a specific sport what it is like at foundation level Explain how the governing body of your chosen sport analyses the performance of participants at foundation level, or provide an example of what should be done. Evaluate the method you have explained of analysing sports performance. When you are writing, practice the following writing skills; Spelling and Grammar Do not use the term ‘for example’ Do not start sentences with conjunctive words (and, but, because….) Make sure your work is in your own words Make statements, don’t use; should, could, might. Remember Your Personal Target
Review Listen when a peer explains their plan Provide the student of the work with verbal feedback on the work that they have completed. Make sure that this feedback is specific and constructive. Feedback to them one of each of the following.
Based on the activity that you have just completed have. – Produced any evidence that will contribute to the completion of your targets – Are there any issues that you have come across (gaps in knowledge)
Activity 2 – Participation Using the information provided write in full sentences and paragraphs that answers the following: Describe for a specific sport what it is like at Participation level Explain how the governing body of your chosen sport analyses the performance of participants at Participation level, or provide an example of what should be done. Evaluate the method you have explained of analysing sports performance. When you are writing, practice the following writing skills; Spelling and Grammar Do not use the term ‘for example’ Do not start sentences with conjunctive words (and, but, because….) Make sure your work is in your own words Make statements, don’t use; should, could, might. Remember Your Personal Target
Review Listen when a peer explains their plain Provide the student of the work with verbal feedback on the work that they have completed. Make sure that this feedback is specific and constructive. Feedback to them one of each of the following.
Based on the activity that you have just completed have. – Produced any evidence that will contribute to the completion of your targets – Are there any issues that you have come across (gaps in knowledge)
Activity 3 – Performance Using the information provided write in full sentences and paragraphs that answers the following: Describe for a specific sport what it is like at Performance level Explain how the governing body of your chosen sport analyses the performance of participants at Performance level, or provide an example of what should be done. Evaluate the method you have explained of analysing sports performance. When you are writing, practice the following writing skills; Spelling and Grammar Do not use the term ‘for example’ Do not start sentences with conjunctive words (and, but, because….) Make sure your work is in your own words Make statements, don’t use; should, could, might. Remember Your Personal Target
Review Listen when a peer explains their plain Provide the student of the work with verbal feedback on the work that they have completed. Make sure that this feedback is specific and constructive. Feedback to them one of each of the following.
Based on the activity that you have just completed have. – Produced any evidence that will contribute to the completion of your targets – Are there any issues that you have come across (gaps in knowledge)
Activity 4 – Elite Using the information provided write in full sentences and paragraphs that answers the following: Describe for a specific sport what it is like at Elite level Explain how the governing body of your chosen sport analyses the performance of participants at Elite level, or provide an example of what should be done. Evaluate the method you have explained of analysing sports performance. When you are writing, practice the following writing skills; Spelling and Grammar Do not use the term ‘for example’ Do not start sentences with conjunctive words (and, but, because….) Make sure your work is in your own words Make statements, don’t use; should, could, might. Remember Your Personal Target
Review Listen when a peer explains their plain Provide the student of the work with verbal feedback on the work that they have completed. Make sure that this feedback is specific and constructive. Feedback to them one of each of the following.
Based on the activity that you have just completed have. – Produced any evidence that will contribute to the completion of your targets – Are there any issues that you have come across (gaps in knowledge)
Activity 5 – Elite Using the information provided write in full sentences and paragraphs that answers the following: Using the information that you have gathered in activities 1-4 and produce a sport development continuum poster, explain the role of sports analysis at each level. Summarise your continuum by comparing and contrasting each of the levels. When you are writing, practice the following writing skills; Spelling and Grammar Do not use the term ‘for example’ Do not start sentences with conjunctive words (and, but, because….) Make sure your work is in your own words Make statements, don’t use; should, could, might. Remember Your Personal Target
Peer Review Swap your groups work with another group Read through the other groups work, checking for the following; When you are writing, practice the following writing skills; Spelling and Grammar Do not use the term ‘for example’ Do not start sentences with conjunctive words (and, but, because….) Make sure your work is in your own words Make statements, don’t use; should, could, might. Topic Content (have they correctly answered the questions) Describe for a specific sport what it is like at Elite level Explain how the governing body of your chosen sport analyses the performance of participants at Elite level, or provide an example of what should be done. Evaluate the method you have explained of analysing sports performance. Comparing and contrasting each of the levels. Provide the author of the work with verbal or/and written feedback on the work that they have completed. Make sure that this feedback is specific and constructive. Feedback to them one of each of the following.
Review Listen when a peer explains their plain Provide the student of the work with verbal feedback on the work that they have completed. Make sure that this feedback is specific and constructive. Feedback to them one of each of the following.
Based on the activity that you have just completed have. – Produced any evidence that will contribute to the completion of your targets – Are there any issues that you have come across (gaps in knowledge)
So How Do We Analyse Performance…? Resources used to analyse performance….? Fiscal resources Equipment Time Facilities Video analysis, software technology & biomechanics Clipboard & stopwatch Allocate time to evaluate data Sports science laboratory
So How Do We Analyse Performance…? Resources used to analyse performance….? Human Scientific support & equipment Coaches, players, family & spectators VO2 max (analysis equipment) qualified support