Committee of Senior Representatives (CSR) Tenth Meeting Oslo, Norway 11 December 2006 ReferenceCSR 10/4.1/Info 3 TitleDanChurchAid ”Prevention and Management.


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Presentation transcript:

Committee of Senior Representatives (CSR) Tenth Meeting Oslo, Norway 11 December 2006 ReferenceCSR 10/4.1/Info 3 TitleDanChurchAid ”Prevention and Management of HIV/AIDS and Opportunistic Infections in North-West Russia” - PowerPoint presentation Submitted byDanChurchAid Summary / NoteThis document was developed by DanChurchAid to accompany their presentation on the project “Prevention and Management of HIV/AIDS and Opportunistic Infections in North West Russia.” Requested actionFor information

DanChurchAid ”Prevention and Management of HIV/AIDS and Opportunistic Infections in North-West Russia” ’ To be, or not to be? ’

Purpose of this presentation: Brief introduction to DanChurchAid Background of the process Brief description of DCAs HIV/AIDS project Major strategies of DCA´s HIV/AIDS project Partners of the HIV/AIDS project Timing and costs of the HIV/AIDS project Barents HIV/AIDS Programme & and DCA´s HIV/AIDS Project – where and how will they work together? Recommendations for consideration – The way forward

Introduction to DCA DCA is a major Danish humanitarian non- governmental organisation – established in 1922 Annual turnover 50 mill Euro – 9 mill Euro from international donors (2005) DCA is working with relief and development in more than 30 countries worldwide through churches, NGOs and other partners In Europe and Central Asia, DCA works in the Russian Federation (since 1992), Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Macedonia

Introduction to DCA Offices established in St. Petersburg, Russia and soon one will be opened in Bishek, Kyrgyzstan

Introduction to DCA Globally, DCA works with HIV/AIDS, peace and reconciliation, food security, access to basic social services, political space, disaster preparedness and relief DCA has been working with HIV/AIDS for more than 20 years DCA receives its funding from private donations, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, bilateral donors, EU and UN

Background of the process: Realisation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and DCA´s desire to address it (Early 2004) Preparation of the project concept (Summer 2004-Summer 2005) Contact to various donors, incl. Nordic Council of Ministers (Northern Dimension) (Autumn ) Dialogue with Northern Dimension (from summer of 2004)

Submission of project concept to the ND HIV Expert Group (November 2005-June 2006) Project Concept recommended by the ND HIV Expert Group for submission to ND partners for funding (June 2006) Inclusion of project in ND Project Pipeline (October 2006) CSR meeting in Oslo (11 December 2006) Background of the process:

Description of the HIV/AIDS Project: Objectives of the project: overall objective is to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS and opportunistic infections and to mitigate the negative social impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on individuals and the society in the population of North-West Russia.

Description of the HIV/AIDS Project: The purposes of the project are the following: By the end of the project, awareness of society have been raised regarding prevention and management of HIV/AIDS and opportunistic infections, and primary HIV/AIDS prevention interventions are developed and introduced in high schools and colleges By the end of the project, human and gender rights of persons infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and opportunistic infections have been strengthened and stigmatisation reduced to a minimum By the end of the project, partner consortium have strengthened their institutions and their management capacity

Major Strategies of HIV/AIDS Project: Raising awareness on HIV/AIDS prevention & human rights among students and journalists Support and enhance mechanisms of coordination within HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment Developing IEC (Information, education and communication) and training materials Building capacity of partner organisations to carry out activities for the target groups, and of government officials dealing with HIV/AIDS prevention

Major Strategies of HIV/AIDS Project: Support outreach counselling and peer-to- peer approaches among risk groups Support harm reduction strategies Support de-stigmatisation and empowerment of PLWHA´s to know and exercise their rights Develop operational and scientific research

Partners of the HIV/AIDS Project: DanChurchAid (DCA) North West Russia Aids Centres/Pasteur Institute Humanitarian Action Society of PLWHA´s Svecha

Timing and costs of the HIV/AIDS Project: Duration of the project - 3 years Total budget – Euro 3.3 million Budget – Euro 2.9 million requested (88 pct) DCA co-finances with 400,000 Euro (12 pct) Private funds from country wide HIV/AIDS campaign in Denmark (parish collection)

Complementarity? Barents HIV/AIDS Programme works in Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Karelia, Komi and Nenetsk regions DCA´s HIV/AIDS project will make use of an unfolding harmonica approach – The project will start in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Following a mid-term review the project intends to roll- on cost-efficient and cost-effective project components and strategies to a number of additional carefully selected geographical areas

The following regions would be relevant for inclusion in the project at this stage: Novgorod, Vologda, Pskov, Karelia and Tver regions Active coordination and due respect will be paid to on-going and planned project activities by other agencies and institutions – f.ex the Barents HIV/AIDS Programme Complementarity?

DCA comparative advantages: Long-term presence since 1992, strong knowledge of context Strong competence in tri-party cooperation: authorities - civil society - INGO/DCA In-depth knowledge of the HIV/AIDS pandemic among the target group – well evaluated pilot projects Expertise from 20 years of organisational priority in the HIV/AIDS sector Strong constituency ownership – 12 pct private parish collection funding

The way forward…. Agreement on project setup and mode of co- operation with the Barents HIV/AIDS programme In close co-operation with our HIV/AIDS adviser, DCA continues to work on the project proposal to incorporate comments and feed-back Donors considers DCA’s project proposal included in the ND Project Pipeline

Submission to interested donors through Northern Dimension Secretariat Concrete negotiations with interested donors Project under Implementation The way forward….