a symbol of caring for the aids December first — The World Aids Day
AIDS quiz T/F 1.Only bad people get AIDS. 2.Aids is difficult to cure. 3. If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick. 4.People who have HIV look different from everyone else. 5.It is safe to be friends with people who are living with HIV/AIDS. F T F T F
How to fnd the key words:
Brief (1)___________ to Aids (7)_________ taken to fight against the Aids Pay attention to verbal phrases and preposition after the blank Common words Eg. take action/measure, accuse/warn/inform/remind... sb of sth …… (brief) introduction to, reasons for/cause of, attitude towards/to, contributions to, effect/influence on ……
Brief (1)_________ to Aids ★ Aids is caused by a virus called HIV. ★ An Aids patient has a weak immune system,thus(2)____________very ill from usually mild sicknesses often. ★ A cure for Aids is (3)_____________at present. Spreading ways of Aids ★ (4)____________sex ★ Blood – to-blood contact ★ Mother-to- child tranmission Present situation ★ Aids has become a serious (5)____________problem with over 30 million people living with HIV. ★ About 7,000 million people catch the virus daily. ★ Aids has (6)________ the lives of over 4 million children and over 15 million parents. (7)________ taken to fight Aids ★ The Chinese government has opened labs to(8) __________Aids, and Aids patients have had access to free drugs since ★ International help(9) ___________an important role in fighting Aids in China. ★ The work of international organization is of greater (10)__________,and the UN has taken a very active part in fighting Aids and HIV across the world. introduction becoming impossible worldwide claimed Measures/ Action monitor plays Unprotected importance Read the text and fill in the blanks.
Match the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1 ____ A. The spreading ways of Aids. Para 2 ____ B. The affected areas of Aids. Para 3 ____ C.A story of Aids. Para 4 ____ D. A brief introduction to Aids. B C A D Some detailed information about Aids PART ONE (Para. 1-4) Careful reading:
Yes NO Yes NO Can the AIDS virus be passed on through the following routes?
How is HIV passed on? How is HIV passed on? 1.Unprotected sex 2.Blood 3.Mother-to-child
Read the text from paragraph 5 to 9 and choose a card How to fight the spread of Aids Challenge yourself PART TWO (Para.5-9)
In a bid to control the problem, the government has opened labs to monitor the disease,and In 2003, it also started providing free Aids drugs for Aids patients. The underlined phrase means ________. A. 治愈疾病 B. 预防疾病 C. 监控疾病 c Guess the meaning of the phrase (Para.5)
What is the aim of UNAIDS? The aim of UNAIDS is to help prevent the spread of Aids. Answer the following question (Para.7)
True or False Question (Para.8) Between 2000 and 2020, the number of children losing both parents to Aids is expected to reduce. T / F rise
,and because their mother had access to prescription Aids medicines when she was pregnant,they did not get HIV from her. 由于他们的妈妈在怀孕期间使用了处方艾滋病药物。 他们没有从她那里感染艾滋病病毒。 Translate the sentence (Para.9)
Brief (1)_________ to Aids ★ Aids is caused by a virus called HIV. ★ An Aids patient has a weak immune system,thus(2)____________very ill from usually mild sicknesses often. ★ A cure for Aids is (3)_____________at present. Spreading ways of Aids ★ (4)____________sex ★ Blood – to-blood contact ★ Mother-to- child tranmission Present situation ★ Aids has become a serious (5)____________problem with over 30 million people living with HIV. ★ About 7,000 million people catch the virus daily. ★ Aids has (6)________ the lives of over 4 million children and over 15 million parents. (7)________ taken to fight Aids ★ The Chinese government has opened labs to(8) __________Aids, and Aids patients have had access to free drugs since ★ International help(9) ___________an important role in fighting Aids in China. ★ The work of international organization is of greater (10)__________,and the UN has taken a very active part in fighting Aids and HIV across the world. introduction becoming impossible worldwide claimed Measures/ Action monitor plays Unprotected importance
If one of our classmates gets Aids, what can we do to help them? 2000 年 6 月,武进发现首例艾滋病病毒感染者。近年来,常州艾滋病病毒感染 者和发病人数呈逐年增长趋势,结果 2000 ~ 2008 年常州市累计报告 HIV/AIDS 共 378 例,AIDS 病人 34 例, 死亡 19 例, 近年 HIV/AIDS 报告例数明显增多 ;20 ~ 49 岁年龄 组占 88.10%,15 ~ 19 岁组占 6.08% 。男女性别比为 3.5:1 。各辖市区均有报告病例, 以溧阳最高达 42.37% 。 Discuss in groups and write a composition about AIDS and call on people to care for AIDS patients. Group work
We should take a positive attitude towards those people living with AIDS and show love,care and support to them. More care,less indifference. We should not look down upon those living with HIV/AIDS, but help them fight fear, shame, ignorance and injustice. Life is the most precious thing that nature gives us. Cherish our lives.
Writing Write a composition about AIDS. Write down what you konw about AIDS and call on people to care for AIDS patients.