Hurricanes Lesson Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Developed by the GPM Education and Public Outreach Team NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Engage: Water Activator: How is water helpful to humans? How is water harmful to humans?
Engage: Natural Hazards Natural Hazards What are some natural hazards? Too Much WaterToo Little Water
Engage: Video Too Much, Too Little
Explore: Measuring Rainfall How do we measure rainfall?
Explore: Rain Gauges How many rain gauges are out there?
Explore: Hurricanes Hurricanes Credit: NASA Earth Observatory, Super Typhoon Utor,
Explain: August SST Average Sea Surface Temperatures for August
Explain: SST August versus February SST 1 - August SST 2 - February
Explore: Dangers of Hurricanes What are some dangers posed by hurricanes and the heavy rainfall they bring?
Explore: Storm Threats “Shepherd said that the event will bring significant rains and inland freshwater flooding… [which is] often the deadliest threat from tropical systems.” NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (2012, October 26). Hurricane Sandy looks as 'Frankenstorm' approaching U.S. East Coast. ScienceDaily. lookingatearth/shepherd_bio.html
Explore: Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina –
Explore: Tools to Study Precipitation What tool do Earth scientists use to gather great amounts of data about global precipitation? Satellites NASA TRMM NASA GPM
Explain: Hurricanes Beyond the Tropics GPM: Hurricanes Beyond the Tropics
Explain: Data from GPM How can data gathered by this mission be useful to those who have to decide on the actions citizens should take before a big storm hits?
Explain: Costliest Hurricanes Hurricane Katrina (2005) was the costliest hurricane to hit the U.S. – $133,800,000,000!!!
Explain: Deadliest Hurricanes Why do think the storms in the late 1800s and early 1900s were so deadly?
Explain: Comparing Rainfall Data Rainfall Data Image 1 Soulik Rainfall Data Image 2 Dorian
Evaluate: Which storm is more dangerous? Sea Surface Temperature Storm A Storm B
Extend: Hot Towers “Towers in the Tempest”
Extend: Comparing Storm Intensity Comparing the Hot Towers of Two Storms Which of these storms is likely be the most intense? Hurricane Henriette Typhoon Talim storm-talims-heavy-rainfall-over-taiwan