Storm Notes Pre-Work – What were the 10 deadliest hurricanes in history? Pick one and write a paragraph about it. Include where it hit, how many deaths it caused, and how much damage it caused.
Weather disturbances cause warm, moist air to rise, causing low pressure. Air rushes in to take the place, & the Coriolis effect makes the air spin. Once the wind speed reaches 64 knots, it is a hurricane. Hurricanes (aka Tropical Cyclones or Typhoons in the Pacific)
Where Do Hurricanes Form? Hurricanes form in the tropics b/c the water is warm here, HOWEVER, hurricanes cannot form over the equator b/c there is no Coriolis Effect here.
Hurricanes spin counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere
Hurricanes are measured on the Saffir-Simpson Scale from 1-5
Nor’easters Very strong winter storms that produce lots of snow or rain, high winds & waves, & can last for extended periods.
-Usually form in Gulf of Mexico & travel up the east coast. - Propelled by northeasterly winds from the Arctic.