Identifiers and Data Management Joan Starr California Digital Library
What is an identifier?
What you see: alphanumeric string (never changes) Associated with: location of object (such as a URL) Optional: who, what, when, etc (i.e. metadata) By Joelk75:
Identifier example string: doi: /FK40K2GTV html version: location: metadata creator: Dr. Felix Kottor title: Data for chromosomal study of catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) publisher: University of Bologna date: 8/31/2012
Identifier example string: doi: /FK40K2GTV html version: location: metadata creator: Dr. Felix Kottor title: Data for chromosomal study of catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) publisher: Dryad Data Repository date: 10/01/2013
Why Identifiers are Important
Allow readers to find data products Get credit for data and publications Promote reproducibility Better measure of research impact Example: Sidlauskas, B Data from: Testing for unequal rates of morphological diversification in the absence of a detailed phylogeny: a case study from characiform fishes. Dryad Digital Repository. doi: /dryad.20doi: /dryad.20 Why Identifiers are Important
A&I Indexing and #altmetrics
Precise identification of a dataset (DOI or ARK) Credit to data producers and data publishers A link from the traditional literature to the data Exposure and research metrics for datasets (Web of Knowledge, Google) Primary Functions 1. Create identifiers 2. Manage identifiers (and metadata) over time 3. Resolve identifiers EZID Long term identifiers made
DataCite Services 1.DOIs for data! 2.Local service & supportLocal service & support 3.Usage statsUsage stats 4.Citation formatterCitation formatter 5.Content negotiationContent negotiation 6.Metadata searchMetadata search 7.OAI providerOAI provider 8.DataCite-to-ORCID hookup*DataCite-to-ORCID hookup 9.Your ideas here…
ARKs DOIs IDF EZID CLIENTS DOIs EZID and DataCite together
EZID: DOIs & ARKs DOIsARKs Strict metadata requirementsFlexible metadata guidelines From the scholarly communication community From the archives and museums community Established “brand name”Option-rich, open source Use case: Data CitationUse case: Data Documentation
DOIs and ARKs in data management plans
DOIs in data management plans What it looks like:Sample plan language: Aguilée R, Lambert A, Claessen D (2011) Data from: Ecological speciation in dynamic landscapes. Journal of Evolutionary Biology doi: /dryad Publication of data shall occur during the project, if appropriate, or at the end of the project, consistent with normal scientific practices. [Team] follows a standardized data product citation including DOI, that indicates the version and how to obtain a copy of that product. Why it’s important: OSTP mandate to: identify and provide “appropriate attribution to scientific data sets” Researcher benefits: Credit, increased citations, increased productivity Data Citation
ARKs in data management plans What it looks like: At top-level directory/folder: Project Title Unique Identifier Date (yyyy or At sub-directories: optional identifiers at granular levels Sample plan language: [Team] follows the recommended best practice for good data management by assigning unique identifiers (ARKs) to the data as part of the data documentation. Why it’s important: Researcher benefits: Data documentation helps you keep track of (and remember) aspects of your data throughout the research project. Data Documentation
Identifiers for data management Identifiers + data= Easy to access, Easy to re-use Easy to verify
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