1 Scottish Ongoing Achievement Record
To develop and deliver a nationally consistent student progression pathway model and associated supporting materials which map NMC pre- registration nursing education requirements, progression criteria and guidance. The model should support a consistent approach to practice learning/assessment across a number of contexts and include opportunities to integrate and support values-based assessments in practice.
A rare if not unique partnership between the 10 NMC accredited educational institutions in Scotland Partnership involves commissioned and non commissioned providers and therefore brings in those with expertise at diploma, degree and honours level provision A truly inclusive partnership at all levels
Allow for robust engagement across all Scotland’s universities supporting pre-registration nursing education. Reflect the unique nature of the context of pre- registration nursing education in Scotland. Support academic staff in curriculum planning for new pre-registration nursing programmes (2015/16). Support students and practice learning staff in the provision of appropriate practice learning experiences, making a positive contribution to their overall practice assessment process. Explore a range of practice assessment approaches to which the outcomes can be applied.
3 sections Section 1 – information for students and mentors Section 2 – practice learning experiences Section 3 – HEI documentation and guidance documents.
Essential skill clusters… Care, compassion and communication Organisational aspects of care Nutrition and fluid management Infection, prevention and control Medicines Management