Complete Living: The amazing connection of Body and Mind We all have it Mind then Body? Or Body then Mind? How is YOUR relationship working?
A healthy mind-body connection Achieve wellness Manage their emotions Live medication and pain free Know how and make time for relaxation Cope well with set-backs Achieve longevity and happiness
The flip-side….. Illness – mental and physical Pain and medication Trouble Sleeping Digestive issues Spirals health downwards Poor quality of life, or worse
Mind then Body Our bodies react to our thoughts Where does stress show up for you? The amazing story of Mr ‘Wright’!
How do we change our emotional state? Activate your ‘Relaxation response’ Breathe! Fresh air Listen to a relaxation track 15 mins Meditation
Exercise changes your state Choose your preference Walking/running Yoga/Stretching Classes/weights Wherever you are is OK Just start or step it up!
Changing your emotional state Music Dance Movement What do you love? When? Why?
Changing your emotional state Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Uses same points as acupuncture Fingertips instead of needles Painless Over 50 scientific studies Releasing emotions and past hurts
A healthy Balance Food Drink Sleep Work Play …….
Body Language Body language audit Which comes first? Physiology or emotional state? Feeling ‘down’? Or ‘Up’? What happens when you feel great? Chin up! Chest out! Shoulders back!
Power poses Research by Amy Cuddy and Dana Carney People do this when they win When we feel powerful we grow, powerless we shrink Can we ‘fake it’?
YOUR Zone of Excellence! Mastering your emotions Choosing our emotional state regardless of external stimulus How valuable would THAT BE? When I can use this