Just one more thing, Lets wish all of us בהצלחה on the count of three, Ready?!?
The land of Israel The state of Israel Group tasks!!! History of Israel Important people in Zionism 500 ???? 400 ?? ??? ???? ????? 100
When was the JNF-Jewish Nationak Fund founded? a b c d
The JNF was founded in 1901.
Who helped the Balfour Declaration to happened? a.Rabbi Yosef ChayimRabbi Yosef Chayim b.Ariel SharonAriel Sharon c.Chayim WeitzmanChayim Weitzman d.Golda meirGolda meir
Chayim Weitzman was a great scientist and a Zionist leader. He convinced the British that the Jewish people needed a national home in Eretz Yisrael.
What was the name of the book that prevent Jews from Aliya to Eretz Yisrael? a.Israeli bookIsraeli book b.The White paperThe White paper c.The black paperThe black paper d.Laws for JewsLaws for Jews
The name of the book is the “White paper”. They made laws to prevent Jews from arriving in the land. During the British mandate 6 white papers were published.
How many Olim (approximately) arrived in Israel through Ha’apala? a.50,00050,000 b c.100,000100,000 d
Approximately 100,000 Olim arrived in Eretz Yisrael through Ha’apala-illegal immigration.
When wad the IDF officially established? a.The Six day warThe Six day war b.Lebanon warLebanon war c.The war of IndependenceThe war of Independence d.Yom kipur warYom kipur war
The IDF-Israel Defense Forces- Tzahal, was officially established during the war of Independence.
When was the declaration of the state of Israel? a.6 th of Iyar 1948, 6:00 PM6 th of Iyar 1948, 6:00 PM b.10 th of Iyar,1948, 2:00 PM10 th of Iyar,1948, 2:00 PM c.1 st of Iyar :30 PM1 st of Iyar :30 PM d.5 th of Iyar 1948, 4:00 PM5 th of Iyar 1948, 4:00 PM
The declaration of the state of Israel was on Friday, 5 th of Iyar, 1948 at 4:00 PM in Tel Aviv museum, in the presence of the members of the national council.
What is the symbol of the state of Israel? a.Menorah with 7 branches, with an olive branch on each side, and the word ישראל written below.Menorah with 7 branches, with an olive branch on each side, and the word ישראל written below. b.Menorah with 3 branches, with 2 soldiers on the sides.Menorah with 3 branches, with 2 soldiers on the sides. c.Israeli flag with olive branches on each side.Israeli flag with olive branches on each side. d.Falafel with pita and Israeli salad.Falafel with pita and Israeli salad.
The symbol of the state of Israel is a Menorah with seven branches, with an olive branch at each side, and the word ישראל written below.
Who wrote the words for “Hatikva”? a.Chayim WeitzmanChayim Weitzman b.David ben gurionDavid ben gurion c.Naftali Herz ImberNaftali Herz Imber d.Hamorah OritHamorah Orit
Naftali Herz Imber wrote the words for Hatikvah. Hatikvah expresses the Jewish people longing for Zion and the hope in the peoples heart to return to the land of Israel.
From what time period is the Kotel survived? a.First Beit Hamikdash periodFirst Beit Hamikdash period b.Second Beit Hamikdash periodSecond Beit Hamikdash period c.1967, after the six day war1967, after the six day war d.1948, after the war of Independence1948, after the war of Independence
The Kotel is the western wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Kotel is part of a wall around the Temple Mount which encircled the mountain and the Beit Hamikdash during the second Beit Hamikdash period.
The united nations decision was on 29 th Novmber. The suggestion was accepted by a majority of… a.45 states45 states b.12 states12 states c.33 states33 states d.28 states28 states
On the 29th of November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted on the proposal. The suggestion was accepted by a majority of 33 states, against 13 states which voted against and 10 states which abstained.
What side of the door do we put the Menorah? a.On the right sideOn the right side b.It doesn't matterIt doesn't matter c.In the middleIn the middle d.On the left sideOn the left side
We put the menorah on the left side of the door so that it is on the opposite side of the mezuzah. This way we are surrounded by mitzvoth.
What song do we traditionally sang after the lighting of the menorah? a.I Have a Little DreidelI Have a Little Dreidel b.Maoz TzurMaoz Tzur c.Sivivon, sov, sov, sovSivivon, sov, sov, sov d.Oh Hanukkah! Oh Hanukkah!Oh Hanukkah!
After the lighting of the menorah it is traditional to sing Maoz Tzur
Create an Israeli flag from objects you have.
Write down the correct words for “Hatikava”. Check your spelling!!!
Try to find as many words as you can, in Ivrit, from the following phrase: שישים ושתיים שנים למדינת ישראל Which means:62 years to the state of Israel.
Solve the puzzle and tell us what is the symbol you get! The first group that will finish the puzzle- will win!!!
Here is the map of Israel. Show us the 7 places that we will ask for on the map. Good luck!!!!
Who was the person that declared about Israel's independence? a.David Ben GurionDavid Ben Gurion b.Binyamin Zeev HerzelBinyamin Zeev Herzel c.Eliezr Ben YehudaEliezr Ben Yehuda d. Edan RaichelEdan Raichel
on May 14th 1948 ה ' באייר תש " ח the British left Israel and David Ben Gurion announced in Tel Aviv about the establishment of the state of Israel and that her Capital is Jerusalem.
Who ruled in Israel just before it became our state? a.United States.United States. b.RussiaRussia c.TurkeyTurkey d.EnglandEngland
England ruled in Israel. at 1917 the UN gave Britain a promotion to be and role Israel and help Jews to build a national Home in Israel.
How many Russian Jews came to Israel between ? a b.340,000340,000 c.200,000200,000 d
Between after the fall of the soviet Union that didn’t let Jews leave Russia 340,000 Russian Jews came to Israel.
On what year was the six day war and what happened that war? a.1948, Israel got Independence1948, Israel got Independence b.1967, Israel expanded all of Yerushalyim,Golan and Sinai areas.1967, Israel expanded all of Yerushalyim,Golan and Sinai areas. c.1973, Israel fought with Egypt.1973, Israel fought with Egypt. d.1980, Jordanian soldier pass the border to Israel.1980, Jordanian soldier pass the border to Israel.
(June 1967) - fought between Israel and Arab neighbors Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. The nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Algeria also contributed troops and arms to the Arab forces. Following the war the territory held by Israel expanded significantly: all of Yerushalaim, The West Bank, Golan Heights and Sinai were occupied from Jordan, Syria and Egypt, respectively.IsraelArabEgyptJordanSyriaIraqSaudi ArabiaKuwait AlgeriaWest BankGolan HeightsSinaiJordanSyriaEgypt
The Moses and Solomon operation is the name of the Aliya from…? a.RussiaRussia b.South africaSouth africa c.EthiopiaEthiopia d.ArgentinaArgentina
In 1984 the state of Israel went on an operation to bring all the Ethiopian Jews to Israel. Nearly 16,000 Ethiopian Jews came to Israel until these operations are called operation Moses and Operation Solomon.
Who was the first prime minister of Israel? a.Ehud BarakEhud Barak b.David Ben GurionDavid Ben Gurion c.Moshe DayanMoshe Dayan d.Simcha LevySimcha Levy
David Ben Gurion was the first prime minister of Israel.
Who was the first Chief Rabbi of Israel? a.Harav Shlomo CarlebachHarav Shlomo Carlebach b.Harav Shlomo AmarHarav Shlomo Amar c.Harav Avrham Hacohen KookHarav Avrham Hacohen Kook d.Harav Moshe FeinsteinHarav Moshe Feinstein
Harav Avrham Hacohenn Kook became the first Ashkenazi chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and later he became the chief Rabbi of Israel.
Who said “if you will, it is no fairytale”, and who was he? a.Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister today.Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister today. b.Binyamin Zeev Herzel, the visionary of Zionism.Binyamin Zeev Herzel, the visionary of Zionism. c.Harav Yisrael Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Tel AvivHarav Yisrael Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv d.My teacher from 3 rd grade.My teacher from 3 rd grade.
Binyamin Zeev Herzel. The visionary of Zionism. He coined the phrase: “if you will, it is no fairytale”, which became the motto of the Zionist movement Herzl died in Vienna at 1904, by then the movement had found its place in the world.
Who is that man, and what did he do? a.Yosef Bar Shalom, the second prime minister.Yosef Bar Shalom, the second prime minister. b.Moshe Lupatkin, the head of the JNF.Moshe Lupatkin, the head of the JNF. c.Eliezer Ben Yehuda, the revival of the spoken hebrew.Eliezer Ben Yehuda, the revival of the spoken hebrew. d. Moshe Yelon, Tzhals Ramatkal.Moshe Yelon, Tzhals Ramatkal.
Eliezer Ben Yehuda was the Reviver of the spoken Hebrew.
What was the main Idea of Torat Harav Kook? a.Am Yisrael around the world keeping the Torah.Am Yisrael around the world keeping the Torah. b.Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael, following the rules of Torat Yisrael.Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael, following the rules of Torat Yisrael. c.Keeping the Jewish Identity.Keeping the Jewish Identity. d.Israeli nation in Uganda.Israeli nation in Uganda.
The Rav Kook wrote many books and Ideas about Eretz Israel and the Idea of Am Israel coming and living in Eretz Israel though the laws of Torat Israel.