Managing Stress for Maximum Learning An ounce of prevention…..
What is stress? I t ’s the way we respond to changes in our life. It is how we react mentally, physically, emotionally
Actually—quite a lot… O Make smart choices O Practice good self-care O Be part of the solution—not part of the problem!
Monitor Your Thoughts O ABC’s of Cognitive Process O Use Positive and Realistic Statements O Refute Negative Thoughts
See stress as helpful O Adaptive coping O Energizing O A force for change
Physical reactions: Fight or flight also known as the stress response O Increased heart rate O Faster breathing O Digestion stops O Blood leaves hands, gathers at core O Nerve messages to muscles, prepare for action=tension
Relaxation Response Meditation O Decrease metabolism O Slow your heart rate O Decrease breathing rate O Change brain function O Stress response and relaxation cannot co- exist O Choose to evoke the relaxation response
Breathing is the key O “Take a deep breath” O “Don’t forget to breathe” O “holding my breath ‘till this is over” O When under stress we tighten our chest breathing shallowly O Full breath leads to biochemical reactions and release of endorphins
8 count breathing* O Inhale through nose counting slowly to 8* O Breathe down into your belly—hold breath O Exhale counting down to 1 O Envision toxins leaving your body O Inhale calm, peace and relaxation O Exhale tension, anxiety and worry O *or 5 count if 8 count is uncomfortable
Health Benefits of Writing O Journaling strengthens immune cells O Accesses left brain, frees right brain— removing mental blocks O Releases tension and intense emotion O Improves clarity and problem-solving O In a study of college students—less illness and higher GPA O (Research by James Pennebaker, psychologist, U Texas at Austin)
How to write? O No rules! O Write quickly O Private O A few minutes each day
Example of journal entry: O Write about a stressful circumstance at school O What made it stressful? O Who was there? O What were your emotions? O What are your coping methods? O How do you want to feel differently about this? O How could you reduce the magnitude of your response?
Other Stress Busters O Exercise: brain development, impact on anxiety O Nutrition O Gratitude, positive thinking O Scheduled time off O Friends, support O Spirituality/faith O Nature
Reduce Stress on Tests O Snack before the test O Calm—breathe O Stay away from anxious people before and after the test O Do not tally right answers/guesses O Make note of “gut” response O Ear plugs
Keeping stress low is a daily opportunity!