Key Events From the movie “Children of Men”
Key Event one When Theo is kidnapped by his ex-wife. This is an important event because we find out that his ex-wife is the leader of a guerrilla group, and that they are against the government, and are hoping to change Britain under their own laws and rights. Theo’s ex-wife, Julian, gives Theo the task to escort Kee for a large amount of cash. The reason Julian chose only Theo was that she still trusted him after their divorce and the loss of their only son.
Key Event two When Theo finds out that Key is pregnant. This is a key event because it is an important turning point in the film. Theo discovers why he was told by Julian to escort Kee, and how important it was that she arrives at The Human Project. Kee also tells Theo that Julian trusted him, so now he has a lot of responsibility on his hands.
Key Event three During the meeting of The Fishes, Theo discovers The Fishes’ plot to gain power by keeping Kee’s baby after it has been born. They want to exploit the baby for their own wants. This is a key event in this movie because this is what turns Theo against these people that he originally trusted, the idea of exploiting a baby seems wrong and Theo’s viewpoint changes, he decides to help Kee travel to The Human Research, to help the human race and the baby. During this turning point, he also discovered that The Fishes had planned to kill Julian (Theo’s ex-wife) because they were against her view to escort Kee to the Human Research.
Key Event four When Kee has her baby. This is an important event because it is the first baby to be born in eighteen years, everybody has forgotten what a baby looks like, and how to deliver one. It is also important because a man is helping deliver a baby, which he has never done before, and they couldn’t get help from anybody who has experience. A part that played an important part was that Theo was an alcoholic, and he pulls out his alcohol from his bag to help deliver the baby, because alcohol is a natural steriliser.
Key Event five When the military find out about the baby. This is an important turning point because even everybody hears the baby screaming, all the violence and war stops around them, allowing them to escape to the boat. The military stop firing at Kee and Theo because they finally believe there is a chance for the Human race’s survival.