NEW PROJECT: POST-GLACIAL SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT AND HUMAN OCCUPATION INTRODUCTION At the regional scale geological processes like updoming, tectonic block displacements not only influenced sedimentation of river systems in delta’s of for example the river Rine and Meuse [1-3], but more in general coastal development too in Wadden areas and lagoons. In last decades human settlement in the IML has been studied in detail in different countries, but without overview Correlation with Holocene post-glacial processes are part of all studies, more or less, but based on previous studies related to Holocene relative sea level change, which influenced landscape forming processes. Modern insights about the impact of glaciations as well as in the pro-, sub- and postglacial times are till now partly or not involved in coastal development models and so till now not correlated with human settlement. In only a few studies [1,3] processes like forbulging and local impact of forebulging and collapse down on geological structures ( e.g.loading, unloading, with differentiate tectonic block displacements and halokinese if saltdomes are near surface) are involved in quaternary geological studies and correlated to impact on human settlement and actual or near future landscape forming processes like climate change and more insight in the connection of geological postglacial processes and impact on human settlement during Holocene is needed. AIMS OF THE PROJECT - OVERVIEW SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT IN IML FROM THE NETHERLANDS TO ESTONIA - OVERVIEW FIRST OCCUPATION WITH FOCUS ON WADDEN AREA, LAGOONS AND DELTA’S - CONNECTION POST- GLACIAL LANDSCAPE DYNAMICS AND HUMAN SETTLEMENT - IMPLICATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL DYNAMICS ON ADAPTATION, MOBILITY AND SETTLING STRATEGIES - IMPROIVE INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN FUTURE: LINEATION OF MODELS, RESEARCH PROGRAM DURATION : Bregman E.P.H. 1, Druzhinina O.A. 2 ( 1 Utrecht University, Netherlands, 2 I. Kant Baltic Federal University, Брегман Э.П.Г. 1, Дружинина О.А. 2 (1Университет г. Утрехт, Нидерланды, 2БФУ им. И. Канта, Калининград) Пост-ледниковое развитие и освоение человеком береговых зон Северо-Западной Европы и Балтики References: Hijma, M. P. and Cohen, K. M. (2011), Holocene transgression of the Rhine river mouth area, The Netherlands/Southern North Sea: palaeogeography and sequence stratigraphy. Sedimentology. doi: /j Berendsen, H.J.A., & E. Stouthamer (2002), Palaeogeographic evolution and avulsion history of the Holocene Rhine-Meuse delta, the Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw 81 (1), p Cohen, K.M. (2003), Differential subsidence within a coastal prism. Late-Glacial - Holocene tectonics in the Rhine-Meuse delta, the Netherlands. Netherlands Geographical Studies 316, 172 p. KNAG/Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen Universiteit Utrecht. Неотектонические процессы должны рассматриваться как один из важных факторов, воздействующих на заселение прибрежных зон и участвующих в формировании исторических и современных ландшафтов. A LOT OF STUDIES NEEDS OVERVIEW & STUDY TOGETHER THE NETHERLANDS DENMARK LATVIA POLAND LITUANIA RUSSIA ESTONIA THE NETHERL;ANDS DENMARK LATVIA LITHUANIA POLAND RUSSIA ESTONIA LITHUANIA LATVIA DENMARK THE NETHERLANDS LATVIA POLAND LITHUANIA RUSSIA DENMARK POLAND THE NETHERLANDS POLAND LITHUANIA GEOLOGIST GEOPHYSICS ECOLOGIST ARCHEOLOGISTS GEOLOGISTS GEOGRAPHERS ARCHEOLOGISTS GEOLOGISTS GEOPHYSICS BIOLO GEOGRAPHERS ARGEOLOGISTS GEOLOGISTS GEOGRAPHERS ARCHEOLOG