LIBER 2006 electronic Information for Libraries in Europe: enhanced access to knowledge in the digital environment
LIBER 2006 What is is a not-for-profit organization legally registered in the Netherlands with an office in Italy’s mission is to lower barriers that hinder access to electronic resources for libraries and their users in 50 transitional and developing countries across Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, Africa and South-east Asia
LIBER member countries in Europe and neighbouring region Albania Bosnia-Herzegovina Belarus Bulgaria Croatia Estonia Georgia Kosovo Latvia Lithuania Macedonia Moldova Poland Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Ukraine
LIBER 2006 programs 1.Licensing electronic content 2.Library consortium building 3.Open Access and institutional repositories 4.Intellectual property rights and libraries 5.Free and Open source software for libraries 6.Knowledge sharing networking and activities
LIBER 2006 Licensing electronic content Central negotiations on behalf of all or a group of countries - strength in numbers! Negotiations with publishers and best conditions for the country has produced a model contract and a model licence to be used in the deals with publishers
LIBER 2006 licensed material available to all member countries EBSCO Cambridge University Press Journals Oxford University Press Journals Oxford Content Online Gale Sage Emerald Wiley InterScience Institute of Physics BioOne
LIBER 2006 ongoing negotiations IEEE Berkley Electronic Press JSTOR Project Muse Science Online Nature American Psychological Association ISI Web of Science
LIBER 2006 eIFL licences for Slovakia at highly discounted prices EBSCO: $ for 2007, $ for 2008 and $ for 2009 Emerald: More than 160 journals covering all aspects of management study and practice. £2.000 per institution AMP package of American Chemical Society, Humana Press, eBrary, Royal Society journals, Morgan and Claypool publishers and many more: $7.950 per institution for 2007 Oxford Online Products (Premium, with over 100 reference materials and Oxford English Dictionary). 75% discount for
LIBER 2006 eIFL licences for Slovakia at highly discounted prices Cambridge University Press Journals (ca. 150 journals on science and technology, and social sciences). $ for Oxford University Press Journals (journals in Science- Technology and Humanities fields): £ for 2007 Thomson Gale Publishing (6 online databases at very discounted prices) Quotes of all other e-resources are available upon request
LIBER 2006 eIFL library consortium building supports the creation and sustainability of national library consortia in member countries through training events, national and regional workshops and meetings, individual country visits, small grants, manuals and web resources eIFL has given grants for the building of national library consortia in Albania, Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kosovo, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Ukraine
LIBER 2006 eIFL-OA: Open Access and Institutional Repositories e-Content produced in eIFL countries to be made worlwide visible and freely accessible Awareness raising and advocacy workshops Technical assistance to build Institutional Repositories
LIBER 2006 Open access: advocacy for free and open access for publicly funded research Partnership with OAI to facilitate and support publication of authors from eIFL countries in OA journals Promotion of Open Access journals (DOAJ) Awareness raising workshops eIFL collaboration with SPARC Europe, JISC, SURF, EBLIDA and other organizations to advocate about the importance of OA with national funding bodies and the European Commission
LIBER 2006 eIFL Open access in Europe - some examples Awareness raising workshops over the last 2 years (Ukraine, Lithuania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Russia, Slovenia, Poland) Poland OA eBIB Electronic Bulletin for Librarians Ukraine: mandate on OA for publicly funded research Lithuania: discussions with Ministry of Science and Education for free and open access to publicly funded research
LIBER 2006 eIFL Institutional Repositories aims to be a conduit for electronic content produced within eIFL countries Technical assistance to build Institutional Repositories Awareness raising and training workshops Creation of an eIFL network of IR specialists Knowledge sharing with input from resource persons from US and Europe Promotion of DOAR, best practice, standards
LIBER 2006 Institutional Repositories in Europe- some examples Bulgaria -UL setting up e-prints repository -Technical workshop for the region Poland -9 regional digital libraries, 100 libraries deposit content in DR; OSS developed in Poznan -Polish Consortium of Digital Libraries -active advocacy on IR and OA with academia and policymakers -seminars on OA and IR (Poznan ’06) Librarians from Lithuania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Poland and Ukraine sponsored to attend the Glasgow University Open Scholarship Conference in October 06
LIBER 2006 eIFL-IP: Intellectual property rights and libraries Production of a handbook on copyright issues for libraries Preparation of a model copyright law for libraries Creation of a network of local experts Awareness raising and training workshops Legal advice and manuals for member countries about copyright law reform and amendments eIFL accreditation and participation in international fora - such as WIPO to advocate on behalf of member countries for international and national copyright law reform
LIBER 2006 eIFL IP in Europe - some examples Slovenia -created National Copyright Strategy Plan -workshops on ‘digitisation and IPR’ (June ‘06), IPR in the digital environment (November ‘06) Estonia: eIFL Europe workshop Tallin December ‘05 Slovakia: eIFL IP person, Jan Kovacik, at WIPO meetings Poland and Lithuania in EBLIDA meeting on copyright Latvia: working with the Ministry of Culture Copyright Division
LIBER 2006 A new initiative: eIFL Free and Open Source Software Program A new program with the aim to support installation of FOSS in libraries produce a FOSS ‘library-in-a-box’ package with ILS software products easy to install provide technical advice and support provide guidelines and manuals create a network of experts on FOSS amongst librarians in member countries
LIBER 2006 eIFL Knowledge sharing network and activities 7th eIFL General Assembly in Serbia in November 2007 Attendance open to outsiders by a registration fee Training and awareness raising workshops Web based resources, guidelines, manuals Knowledge sharing through website, newsletter, discussion lists
LIBER 2006 Other eIFL partnerships in the digital environment Ongoing cooperation with Google Scholar to: - link up union catalogues (Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Poland) - implement Google SFX link resolver (Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine) - digitize local journals (Bulgaria, Lithuania, Serbia) EU TEMPUS project proposals to modernize university libraries in Albania, Belarus, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Ukraine
LIBER 2006 Thank you for listening Questions?