Environmental Science 1001 Elden Hawkes, Instructor
1.1 The Global Picture Population Growth & Economic development -> 6.6 billion people on earth in > 9.1 billion by 2050 Decline of Ecosystems -> Due to human activity, 60% of ecosystems are degraded or used sustainably -> Millennium Ecosystem Assessment It compiled information on the world’s ecosystems. Focused on linkage between ecosystem goods & services, and human well being.
Global Atmospheric Changes Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) was a huge problem Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is no the main problem -> It absorbs IR radiation retaining heat -> Levels have increased from 280 ppm in 1900 to greater than 380 ppm in 2007 Kyoto Protocols Drafted in ratified in countries agreed to reduce greenhouse emission to pre 1990 levels by 2050 The United States did not ratify it.
Loss of Biodiversity Biodiversity is a critical factor in maintaining the stability of natural systems million species have been described Estimated that 14 million total species exists
1.2 Three Strategic Themes: Sustainability, Stewardship, & Science Sustainability -> A system or process is sustainable if it can be continued indefinitely without depleting any of the material or energy. -> Sustainable ecosystems are entire ecosystems that thrive over time by recycling nutrients and maintaining biodiversity. -> Sustainable development
In order to have a sustainable society: 1. Stabilize human population 2. Transition to a green economy 3. Transition from pollution intensive production to environmentally benign processes 4. Shift societal thinking to embrace a stweardly approach to people’s needs 5. Shift from car dominates urban sprawl to smart growth concepts of smaller, functional settelements
Stewardship Should be the ethical and moral framework of private and public actions. Silent Spring by Rachel Carson in 1962 Environmental Justice Movement -> Environmental Racism Wastes sites placed low income, minority areas Roads/infrastructure place in wealthier, mostly white areas Environmental Protection Agency
Science The Scientific Method Three major components to the structure of science: 1. Data 2. Theories 3. Shaping principles
Data Consists of information gathered from observations and measurements from the natural world or human interactions with it and from testing ideas through experimentation. It must be recorded with the highest degree of accuracy. Theories Models that are intended to represent how a system works. They must be objective and rational.
Shaping principles Conscious and unconscious values and assumptions that scientist bring to their work. -> Their worldwide view -> Assumption of the uniformity of nature -> obeys certain fundamental laws without exception -> Quantifiability: collected data can be measured -> Prior commitment: particular theory or paradigm Controversies in Science 1. New Information 2. Complex phenomena 3. Bias 4. Subjective Values
Evaluating Science What are the observations underlying the conclusion? Do the explanations & theories follow logically from the data? Are the reasons that a particular explanation is favored? Does the explanation account for all observations? Is the conclusion supported by the scientific community?
1.3 Three Integrated Themes: Ecosystem capital, Policy/Politics, & Globalization Ecosystem Capital -> Goods: renewable resources that are exploited -> Services: Support human life and economic well- being (regulation of climate, erosion control, etc.) -> Exploitation: the use of a recourse -> Over exploitation can destroy it -> Protecting ecosystem capital -> Changing market forces -> Gov. & private sector does its part
Policy & Politics Environmental Public Policy addresses: 1. Prevention or reduction of air, water and land pollution. 2. Use of natural resources Local Level Zoning Laws Broader Levels -> Higher that local level. -> Air & Water pollution are beyond the local level
Globalization Economic Changes -> North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) -> General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (GATT) Environmental Changes Protests
The Environment in the 21 st Century World Summit on Sustainable development in > Plan of implementation was weak -> Double people with sanitation by > Ocean fisheries be restored by > Loss of biodiversity rate cut in half by 2010 Good News