LITERACY-BASED DISTRICT-WIDE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Aiken County Public School District March 4, 2016 District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
LITERACY-BASED DISTRICT-WIDE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Shared Reading District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Welcome Joy Mosca / Reading Coach Greendale Elementary District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Norms Be professional in your use of technology Be polite when defending your position Be present in reflections and discussions District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Agenda o Activator o Importance of Shared Reading o Shared Reading Demonstration 3-5 o Application o Reflection o Resources District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Essential Question How can we implement shared reading to intentionally impact student achievement in literacy? District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Learning Outcomes Develop a common understanding of shared reading within the ACPS Literacy Model Summarize key components of shared reading within the ACPS Literacy Model District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Parking Lot Questions and comments on a sticky note District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Why Shared Reading? Demonstrates how one reads (e.g., intonation, fluency, problem solving, etc.) Extends literacy experiences Exposes children to rich language Provides guided practice Increases students’ vocabulary Builds background knowledge District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Classroom Teacher’s Self Reflection Rubric District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
ACPSD Definition of Shared Reading Teachers model reading a variety of fiction (e.g., poems, songs, chants, tales, plays, etc.) and nonfiction texts (e.g., biographies, excerpts from trade books, brochures, magazine articles, tables, etc.) to engage students in reading and interpreting texts. Research says… An instructional technique in which the teacher involves a group of students in the reading of a shared text in order to introduce aspects of literacy (such as print conventions), develop reading strategies (such as decoding or predicting), and teach vocabulary. Fountas, I. & Pinnell, G. (2011). The Continuum of Literacy Learning, Grades PreK-2: A Guide to Teaching. Heinemann. District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Shared reading The teacher… o Communicates a clear purpose to set expectations for student responsibility o Reads the text aloud o Models strategies readers use to understand text o Uses questions to extend students’ thinking, elicit deep conversations, and monitor students’ comprehension o Gives meaningful feedback to students’ responses o Utilizes instructional tool that is built with students District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
4 step plan for Shared Reading Text introduction Engaged in Reading Brief discussion Teaching point District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Shared Reading Model 3-5 District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Standard 6: Summarize key details and ideas to support analysis of central ideas. Science 4.E.2B.2 Obtain and communicate information about severe weather phenomena (including thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes) to explain steps humans can take to reduce the impact of severe weather phenomena. District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Invitations to Deeper Conversations LEVELS OF RESPONSE Efferent: The information (facts) readers extract from the text Aesthetic: Expressive responses that invite learners to share their thinking (reactions, opinions, connections or questions) Critical / Analytical: Readers interrogate the text, the author, the issue and the purpose (readers look beyond the text, considering points of view, the author’s intent, cultural references, or bias. District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Stems to Start Conversation I wonder…An important part was… I noticed…I realized… I liked…I think… I feel…The selection made me think of… I can infer…If I could change something, I would… My favorite part was…The author’s purpose may be… District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Turn, Talk and Listen Partner pairs who are actively listening say things like: Tell me more about your thinking on that… What led you to that line of thinking? What did you notice in the text that supports your idea? I can “link up” to that thought… You comment makes me wonder… You comment reminds me that… What do you think about… District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Turn, Talk and Listen Together How did this experience help you grow as a reader? How could you use this in your class to connect and solidify students understanding of the strategy or content? District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
A Balanced Approach Interactive Reading /Writing Shared Reading /Writing Guided Reading /Writing Independent Reading/Writing District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Learning Outcomes Develop a common understanding of shared reading within the ACPS Literacy Model Summarize key components of shared reading within the ACPS Literacy Model District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Next Steps Essential Question: How can we implement shared reading to intentionally impact student achievement in literacy? On Monday when I model Shared Reading, I will ______________. What resources can I use for Shared Reading? District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Recommended Resources “Shared Reading Opportunities for Direct Literacy Instruction” Lucy Calkins FReading Rockets Jennifer Serravallo Teaching Reading in Small Groups Revisit, Reflect, Retell / Time-Tested Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension Linda Hoyt District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
Thank you! Joy Mosca / Reading Coach Greendale Elementary District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.
District Purpose The mission of the Aiken County Public School District is to create in students a passion for learning and achievement that will serve them as they compete and contribute in a global society.