Question 5: How did you attract your audience? Seb Hallett 103b
Part A: Our core age group is roughly from which means the internet; social websites will be the main way in which we can interact with them. Using tools such as; online adverts, pop ups, interactive marketing etc. Pull advertisement - Our film “Prima Facie” is an Indie film which means we will focus on interactive marketing, this is because we cannot afford to put an advert on the TV, which a mainstream film could do. We also hope that word of mouth may help us in advertisement. Viral marketing and campaigns will also be vital for us because we will lack in ‘push advertisement’ so by ‘pulling’ our audience in these ways is a must. We could use our spinning coin in a campaign. this could work as a type of a pull advertisement, every one hundredth person who enters the campaign would get a signed coin which is a replica of the one used in our sequence.
Push advertisement – Such as; posters, billboards and TV adds will be a lot more difficult for our film because we don’t have a huge budget. This may be a problem however we hope to avoid this in the form of ‘Pull advertisement’ Events – The stars of our film will attend many other media events in order for the news to spread further, and we also hope that Ryder can pick up an award which will also help the awareness of “Prima Facie”. We cannot hold TV interviews because of the money needed and may struggle also in other expensive forms of awareness. We will again be attending many film festivals to show sneak previews of what’s to come and to draw in a wider audience.
London, Manchester, Brighton, Birmingham and Liverpool are all options we are looking into, where Test screenings can be held. As our film is an Indie film we cannot temp an audience member in watching our film because of certain actors, because our actors are up and coming, this is a technique which mainstream film companies use in order to expand on their audience figures. Again we cannot persuade any potential new audience members to view our film because of any well known director or producers as we are an Indie film. Our film “Prima Facie” lacks any obvious USP because it is not a mainstream film. The USP which we may bare can only be found once the film has been seen, which means this won’t attract any new potential audience members.
Part B In order to get audience feedback we presented our OTS to our target audience and asked for their feedback. They responded in the following way: Mise-en-scene: The fake blood and the spinning coin was the bulk of the praise which we received in the M-E-S department, They all thought this was effective and impressive, each of them mentioned how this linked to Thrillers well, in the conventional sense. Technical aspects - They also found the close up moving clip of the spinning coin almost everybody commented in a positive ay saying how it was effective and relevant to both Thriller and our one in particular. “The effect involving the spinning coin was a great effect.” “The fake blood was very realistic and impressive.” “The costume and blood shows the Thriller convention well.”
Genre – In terms of genre, the location and setting was a positive which our audience pointed out. Many of them thought it helped show which type of genre it was and how we used location to improve our final OTS piece. From the feedback given, I feel we have successfully targeted our audience and addressed their needs well because we have understood what are core audience look for in a Thriller film and adapted this to ours in order for them to appeal to “Prima Facie”. We are also aware that our core audience is made up of young adults who are very technical and use the virtual world a lot, so we are very exited that the first feedback we have received has been all positive regarding cinematography and technical aspects. In these ways mainly I feel we have successfully targeted our core audience well. “The location shows well the genre and sets the scene immediately.”