Beyond Barriers A youth policy seminar on social inclusion of young people in vulnerable situations in South East Europe Dzenana Dedic Local Democracy Agency Mostar Bosna i Herzegovina Mostar, October 2015
ALDA The European Association for Local Democracy is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the promotion of good governance and citizen participation at the local level. ALDA focuses on activities that facilitate cooperation between local authorities and civil society.
Establishement.... at the initiative of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe Program of LDAs established since 1992 ALDA operates in the European Union and in its Neighborhood since 1999.
ALDA EUROPE Our work in the European Union promoting active European citizenship, in tight cooperation with institutions, local authorities, and civil society networks. ALDA COOPERATION Our activities in the Western Balkans and in the European Neighbourhood (East and South), to foster good governance, citizen participation, European integration and decentralization. ALDA PLUS Our expertise in training delivery and project assistance available for ad hoc courses, consultancy, and capacity building activities.
ALDA COOPERATION 11 Local Democracy Agencies 3 Operational Partners In Western Balkans and Southern Caucasus 2 more agencies in proccess of establishement in Moldova and Tunisia
ALDA is also leading several projects and developing partnerships in other European Neighborhood countries, including Belarus, Azerbaijan, Morocco, and Turkey.
European Commission Civil Society Facility Operating Grants to IPA CSO Associations Support to regional thematic associations
EU / SEE - 5 Countries / 7 Cities / 8 Partners Aplicant: ALDA co-aplicants: Local Democracy Agencies: Subotica Knjazevac Niksic Mostar Zavidovici Prijedor Kosovo Affiliated entities: ALDA Skoplje Cities/municipalities Associates: Subotica Knjazevac Niksic Mostar Zavidovici Prijedor Vevcani
Duration: 12 months to be extended for 3 years more Budget: ,00€ Objective: To contribute in structuring regional thematic cooperation and coordination between CS and public authorities from targeted countries to improve environment for youth activism and participation, in particular of young people with fewer opportunities
Specific objectives To create Regional Network for Local Democracy composed of CSOs and public authorities, with active participation of youngsters, from targeted countries committed to promote and practice youth participation at the local level; To strengthen regional capacities of youth from targeted countries for active citizenship and participation at policy and decision making processes; To facilitate a greater focus of public authorities in targeted countries on the needs of youth in policy-making according to the EU standards; To help raise awareness of policy and decision makers, CSOs and youth leaders in targeted countries on EU standards and practices of youth participation and regional impact of EU programmes , in particular programmes for youth.
Main project activites: WP1: Network coordination and management of activities WP2: Network capacity building WP3: Awareness raising and visibility actions WP4: Exchange of good practice among the region countries WP5: Research and analysis
WP1: Network coordination and management of activities Project team composed of eight (8) members appointed Twelve (12) project team meetings organized Shared communication procedures among eight (8) partners established One (1) Steering group composed of all co-applicants and associates appointed (18 members) One (1) Regional Youth Working Group composed of 2 representatives from each participating community appointed (16 members) Eight (8) Local project teams appointed, 1 per participating community Two (2) Participatory planning process conducted and Activity and Visibility plan drafted One (1) Inception report drafted Three (3) activity reports drafted One (1) final narrative/financial report produced Project visibility products prepared, produced and disseminated REGIONAL PROJECT TEAM Regional youth working group Steering group Local project teams
Steering group meetings (4 + 2 skyp) 1st meeting – Mostar, 27 – 29/01/2015
WP2: Network capacity building Teams of Youth Engagement Workers Establishment of Local Youth Advisory Groups Setting up Info Points Initiative for creation of Local Youth Fund
WP2: Network capacity building Mostar, January Knjazevac, March
WP3: Awareness raising and visibility actions Regional Youth Forum for Local Democracy, Subotica September 2015 Regional internet awareness raising campaign, web, facebook, viral-video Regional e-newsletters on youth participation Youth Taking Over Day Youth Art Program My City – Youth City Project visibility materials: youth frendly project visibility design,logo, liflet, project publication
WP4: Exchange of good practice among the region countries Job Shadowing Program Youth art tour Study visit to one National parliament MonteNegro
WP5: Research and analysis Topic for the Year 1 ''Youth participation in the Balkan - comparative analysis and practice’’ Conducted in 5 countries of the region: On-line questionnaire Interviews focus groups
Future activites O. G. Continuation 2016 – 2018 Anual youth forum Mostar October 2016 Matching with the other projects such as: (Erasmus + “Youth with the plan” Mostar April 2016.) We are open for cooperation
We can change it, and we will! We are a group of young people from 5 countries of the Balkan region, gathering ideas and working together to contribute a better position of the youth in this region. We are active, hardworking, optimistic, but we also know how to enjoy ourselves and have fun with new friends! That’s what makes us a strong group!
Dzenana Dedic Local Democracy Agency Mostar Bosna i Hercegovina