Biology – study of life Biography – an account of someone’s life written by another person
Heterogeneous – diverse in character and content Heterotopic – in the wrong place, misplaced
Homonym – 2 words that are spelled the same but have different meanings like sound (healthy, noise, body of water) Homophone – word that is pronounced the same but means something different like caret, carrot; to, too, two
Macroeconomics – economics of economy as a whole nation/world Macroscopic – visible to the naked eye
Microscope – instrument used for viewing very small objects Microcivilization – a tiny civilization
Monotone – one/same tone Monochromatic – all the colors of a single hue/shade
Theocracy – government ruled by priest in the name of God Theology – study of the nature of God/religious belief
Polygons – many sided figure Polycentric – having many centers of power
Ecology – movement that protects the environment Analogy – a thing that is comparable to something else.
Lobotomy – surgery that cuts connections in the brain Anatomy – study of the structure or internal workings of something