What is a paragraph? How to structure a paragraph. Paragraph: A new paragraph marks a change a focus, a change of time or in dialogue a change of speaker. Topic sentence: A sentence which identifies the main focus of that paragraph.
How to structure a paragraph. Paragraph: A new paragraph marks a change a focus, a change of time or in dialogue a change of speaker. Topic sentence: A sentence which identifies the main focus of that paragraph.
What is the Burger paragraph? Top bun: Point – First sentence should introduce what your paragraph is going to be about – no detail Dressing: Evidence– You now need to give some evidence to back up your first sentence. You must provide examples Meat: Explanation – Your next sentence should explain your evidence – how does it answer the question? Bottom bun: Link – One short sentence conclusion to sum up what you have talked about that links back to your first sentence
How effective was law enforcement ? Top tips PEEL your paragraph Make a judgement! E.g. very effective/ not very effective…….. Back up your views with evidence…. Give examples Point: Topic sentence. Short sentence. No detail Evidence: Give examples to back up your view. Explanation: Explain how this evidence backs p your view Link: Conclusion which links back to the question. Therefore…………
Is riding a bike in London a good or bad thing? Point If more people cycled in London, this would lead to an improvement in pollution levels in the city. Evidence Currently, the emissions coming from cars leads to damage to the environment. Explanation Indeed, carbon monoxide emissions have a direct impact on the hole in the ozone layer. Furthermore………. Link Therefore, as bicycles do not pollute the air, they are a more environmentally friendly mode of transport.
Failing Technology Paragraph Point 1st July 1916 was a disaster for the British army because of failing technology. Evidence One third of the British shells that were fired during the week-long bombardment were duds and did not explode. Furthermore, new British tanks were not very effective and often broke down or got stuck in the mud. Explanati on As a result, the second and third German defence lines remained intact and their troops were safe underground. The shells also failed to cut the barbed wire that the British troops would need as they advanced across no-man’s land. Link Therefore, thousands of British soldiers were killed as the enemy was not destroyed due to poor weaponry.
Task 2 – Peer assessment! Swap your paragraph with the person sitting next to you. Read their paragraph. Have they included point, evidence, explanation and link? Does their paragraph answer what types of crimes were committed in the 19 th century? Give them a grade and explain why. When you get your paragraph back, re-draft it.