Card 2
Option to use “Aerosol Plus” a parameter that characterizes the user defined aerosols and optical properties
Type of default meteorological range and extinction for the boundary layer aerosol models
Navy Oceanic Vertical Aerosol Model Option
Seasonal Aerosol Profile
User-Supplied Aerosol Optical Properties Option
Aerosol Profile and Extinction Parameters for the Stratosphere
Air Mass Character (1-10): 1 – Open Ocean 3 – Being the Default 10 – Continental Influences
Cloud and Rain Models
Army Vertical Structure Algorithm Option for aerosols in the boundary layer
Specifies the Surface Meteorological Range (km): overriding the default valued for the boundary layer from IHAZE
Current wind speed (m/s): used with Navy maritime and desert aerosols
Current wind speed (m/s): used with Navy maritime and desert aerosols
24 hour average wind speed (m/s): for Navy maritime model
Rain Rate (mm/hr)
Altitude of Surface Relative to Sea Level Rate (km): can have negative values but can not exceed 6 km