European Organization for Nuclear Research EN ICE: Virtualization Status Omer Khalid 29 th Oct 2010
European Organization for Nuclear Research Outline Status Image templates Actions Conclusion
European Organization for Nuclear Research Status Win XP image templates CVI portal is upgraded and the images will be refreshed in 2 weeks Need to reinstall PVSS/Unity/Step7 and will be snap shotted A VM specific NSC is created for mandatory patches only Linux on CVI SSH/Root access is resolved. Guidelines available: Remote desktop access: 1.Via VMM terminal service; no mouse functioanlity 2.Xterm via Exceed on Windows machine 3.NX Remote desktop for Lin/Mac. User would need to install this S/W BE-CO based Linux images Agreed to provide help for both GPN (10) and TN (5) based Linux VM’s for SCD section.
European Organization for Nuclear Research Recap: Image templates on CVI MTA section: standard Win XP image PLC/SCD: 4 images 1.PVSS 3.6SP2 + Unity Step PVSS 3.8SP1 + Unity Step PVSS3 3.8SP1 + Visual Studio PLC Simulations with Schneider S/W SIC section: 1 image with Java development toolkit BE-CO Linux Quattor based solution available via CVI for GPN. Guidelines: E-groups created for TN trusted VMs (deployed when request; limited acces) mailto:
European Organization for Nuclear Research Actions Group wide setup: POSTPONED Section wide setup: 10 VMWare workstation ordered Virtual Box Those using should continue if they are satisfied Image repository Some sort of a disk server to have list of images available for users For VMWare workstation and Virtual box Suggestions/Ideas/Proposals are welcome about how/where to setup. Questions? 1.What kind of technology to use? 2.Should be on a dedicated server or can we use some available resource? 3.What kind of policy for each section to manage it’s images?
European Organization for Nuclear Research Conclusion CVI agreed to host images Fresh images will be prepared in 2 weeks Local setup 10 Workstation licenses ordered. Image repository needs to be setup. Seeking proposals. BE-CO Agreed to provide GPN based BE-CO Linux conf. via CVI Agreed to provide TN based BE-CO Linux conf. on BE-CO setup Open Discussion - Questions