World War I & the “Roaring 20’s”
2 nd Phase of Industrialization
1. Reason for 2 nd phase: Hydroelectricity a) Hydroelectricity is a cheap way to get a lot of power. It becomes a lot easier to make things. Economy: The 2 nd Phase of Industrialization ( )
2. Resources Exploited: A) Minerals:copper, silver, gold, zinc, asbestos* B) Forests: (pulp and paper industry) 3. Areas & Industries that develop: A) Côte-Nord: Iron, titanium B) Abitibi, Gaspé: Copper, wood 2 nd phase of industrialization
4. The 2nd phase of industrialization changed a few things: A) New specialized machines (Machines get fancier) B) Specialized workers 5. Effects on the Territory: A) New regions develop B) Railways develop even more C) Harbours develop 2 nd Phase of Industrialization
1. Immigration: A) Clifford Sifton (was in charge of immigration) encouraged “agricultural people” to come to Canada (Northern Europeans, United States, Britain) in order to“settle the West” B) But not all groups were“desired immigrants” Early 1900’s: Population
C) 1900, 1903: Chinese Head Tax is increased d) 1908: Continuous journey rule. 1. Immigration
A) High levels of natural increase. 2. Natural Growth
1.Lasted from Triple Entente (United Kingdom, France & Russia) VS Central (Originally triple alliance) Powers(Germany, Austria-Hungary & Ottoman Empire) 3.It is basically a power struggle between alliances that have been broken and re-formed. 4.Trench warfare and the use of mustard gas made this a gruesome conflict. 5.Ends with an armistice being signed November 11, Entente powers win. World War One
6. Legacy? The punishments Germany had to serve are considered to be causes of WW2… The map of Europe is pretty much redrawn. Empires crumble, and new ones are formed.
1.Canada joins Britain to fight against the Alliance powers of Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Ottoman Empire A) Canada has to fight because it is part of the British Empire B) So basically: Britain at war =Canada at war WWI & Quebec
A)Canada sent troops to Europe BUT more were needed B)Robert Borden, (Conservative prime minister), decides to enact compulsory conscription in order to get more troops What does this mean? 2. Conscription Crisis
- French Canadiens against conscription - English Canadians for conscription Conscription Crisis
a) 100,000 troops needed, 99,561 young men were drafted, ONLY 24,000 end up being sent! b) Lots of men claimed exemptions (reasons why they couldn’t go) c) This caused riots in Quebec 3. Military Service Act-1917
Anti-Conscription Riot in Montreal 1917
1.War Time Election Act a)Prime Minister Borden allows women who have relatives in the war to vote in the federal election thought he could get more votes this way. Why do you think he would choose these women? New Rights for Women
2. a) 1918 all women get the right to vote in federal elections b) In 1916, Manitoba became the first province to allow women to vote in PROVINCIAL elections. New Rights for Women
3. Feminist Reformers in Quebec wanted women to get the right to vote in provincial elections a)There is a LOT of resistance to this is Quebec. Why do you think this is?
B) 1922 a petition asking the provincial government NOT to give women in Quebec the right to vote was published in La Presse New Rights for Women
The War Measures Act was passed. It gave the government the power to arrest, detain and deport. "Enemy aliens" were forced to register themselves and subjected to many restrictions. In the course of the war, 8,000-9,000 "enemy aliens" were interned (locked up) Many were subsequently (not long after) released in response to labour shortages. World War I: Immigration
C: Overall: Immigration was very limited during the war. During WWI
Levels drop due to the hostile world environment. Many men were away, fighting in war. WWI: Natural Growth
1. Capitalism is: An economic system that encourages the concentration of wealth and free competition between individuals and companies. Basically: MONEY MONEY MONEY Popular Culture: Empowerment of the Masses?
People moving from the country to the cities a) In Quebec, this was actively discouraged by the Catholic Church b) The Church encouraged COOPERATISM = pooling of economic resources to encourage rural development 2. Urbanization
3. Capitalism and urbanization were closely connected. This relationship created: new media and culture A)Newspapers B)Film (1906 Montreal) C)Radio (1919 Montreal) D)Variety Shows