Canada’s war museum Soldiers of The Soil Moiz Din
The Overview What is it? A program organized by the Canadian government. Purpose of the S.O.S was for youth to help farmers to make food for the war. Who joined? Many young boys became “soldiers of the soil”. For them it was a way of helping in the war effort. Around 12, 000 boys became soldiers of the soil in Ontario. 22,385 boys enrolled across Canada and 20,431 were assigned to farms. How to get recruited? Many posters were put up across Canada to help the public be aware of the S.O.S. For a boy to get recruited they need to be a teenager. Everyone was a volunteer, no conscription for S.O.S. Did you know? S.O.S started in 1918 and was for wartime emergencies only. Youth in the S.O.S program learned many important leadership roles in the community. The program incorporated education, physical, religious and service development. Many parks around Canada were transformed into vegetable gardens.
Description This is a badge from the Canadian Food Board (CFB). Given to young men when they enrolled in the program. This badge was often a sign of recognition in the streets of Canada. Content Many of these badges were given to Canadian boys. Wearing this badge gave a feeling of gratitude and being helpful. One boy reported that he joined to help his father who was overseas. This website offers many pictures and accounts as to what happened in Canada while WW1 was going on. Reliability This website offers many pictures and accounts as to what happened in Canada while WW1 was going on. This badge was made of copper so that it didn’t erode easily, and lasts a long time.
Description A poster from the Canadian Food Board to show the uniform that the S.O.S will be wearing. Content This poster shows us what the S.O.S wore while volunteering. It also shows us that many young boys joined the S.O.S. Reliability is a reliable site because it offers many posters, historical accounts of people in the war. It also offers many primary sources of data that is needed.
Description Canadian Food Board used this poster to help bring in new volunteers. Used to replace the farmhands that went off to war. Content This poster show the acronym for soldiers of the soil. Shows a farmer holding two horses. He is holding two horses because he has one, and he needs a young male to take the second one and the third. Reliability The poster itself is made form the Canadian Food Board so it is authentic. Has some scratches and tears to show that it has gone through places.
Historical Significance World War one had had a huge impact on Canadians at home. Having nearly all the men from away to war, who can make the crops? Who will do all the daily tasks that males did? Women and young boys contributed immensely to the war effort from home. The Soldiers of the soil helped farmers to grow crops to send to the soldiers overseas. Citizens bought victory stamps to help pay for the war. The S.O.S program helped a boy to become a man by teaching him many roles in the community. Being responsible, being educated and teaching them religion.
Bibliography " - History of the First World War - Life at Home During the War." - History of the First World War - Life at Home During the War. Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation, n.d. Web. 24 Mar Hauck, Jenna. "Soldiers of the Soil." Soldiers of the Soil. City of Chilliwack, n.d. Web. 24 Mar Pimlott, John. The First World War. New York: Franklin Watts, Print. Willmott, H. P. World War I. New York: DK Pub., Print. Habs, Ludi, and Garfield Gini-Newman. "Chapter 7." Canada, a Nation Unfolding. [Whitby, Ont.]: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, N. pag. Print.