Effective Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Where do we begin at Myers Middle School? (Adapted from Professional Learning Communities at Work Robert DuFour Robert DuFour Presented by: Pamela Randolph
What does PLC mean? Action Research – led by teachers to solve problems using a reflective process. On going- process in which teachers work collaboratively to collect multiple types and sources of data to achieve better results for the student they serve. PLC - key to improving learning for students is continuous, job embedded professional development.
Ensure that students learn –Learning for all A Culture of Collaboration –Teamwork Focus on Results –Data-Driven Decisions PLC Big Ideas & Core Values
Critical Questions of Learning 1.What is it that we expect our students to learn? 2.How will we know when our students have learned it? 3.How will we respond when our students experience difficulty in learning? 4.How can we make the shift to looking at multiple sources of data?
Sources of Data Sources of Data Triangulation must take place in professional learning communities. Involves looking at different types of assessments at different intervals to ensure objectivity. Observations, focus groups, anecdotal notes, surveys, exit slips, end of unit tests, multiple choice and open response questions.
Interviews Three 6 th grade teachers. Teachers selected based on block teaching – 90 minutes. Teachers - “spent too time on summative assessments” – District - not enough time on formative assessments which use data from multiple sources.” Four questions: 1.What is it that we expect our students to learn? 2.How will we know when our students have learned it? 3.How will we respond when our students experience difficulty in learning? 4.How can we make the shift to looking at multiple sources of data?
Types of Data Formative data types include: scoring rubrics, content posters, clickers, dry erase boards, word walls, calculators, power verb posters, student work samples, smart boards, and TIP computers that promote student and teacher engagement. Summative Assessment: District generated – multiple choice and open ended questions.
Mission/Vision Alignment Mission and vision must align with the PLC model. Mission: “To learn, to act, and to think in ways that guarantee our success in college and/or our careers. Vision: “Success is the only option.” Myers’ mission and vision - requires continuous work to ensure PLC alignment.
Policies & Programs Alignment Myers received the School Improvement Grant (SIG) for the 2014–15 school year. SIG requires alignment to mission and vision. SIG requires alignment to a research based instructional model – PLC. Read 180 and Singapore math curriculums. SIG - would employ two PLC coaches. SIG included in the school’s comprehensive School Improvement Plan and Site Based Decision Management (SBDM) documents.
Fiscal Considerations SIG $50, 000 minimum per school year. Budget may not exceed $2 million per school year. Math and reading software from Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA ) used to monitor the effectiveness of PLCs.
Human Resources Training and Development New teachers hired – two additonalday professional development with District. Consultation and training through Solution Tree. Stipends to compensate teachers for professional development. Substitutes would provide release time for embedded professional development. (EPD) PD schedules align with PLC instructional model. Reference materials from Solution Tree would be used to support the PLC model.
Succession Planning SIG - cannot be maintained over the long term. SIG - PLCs would continue to improve through building capacity. Department chairs/internal leaders assume roles of PLC coaches. PLC’s support a culture of high expectations and high accountability.
Strategic Positioning Master Schedule - interventions during common planning. District would monitor PLC coaches. Assistant Superintendent and Evaluation Coordinator would work with leadership and administrative teams. Education Recovery staff (KDE) would be proactive partners. Culture Analysis using: continuous improvement documents.
Changing the Focus Old Focus Every student can learn Focus on teaching Isolation Assessment OF learning (Summative) Failure is an option New Focus Every student will learn Focus on learning Collaboration Assessment FOR learning (Formative) Failure is not and option
Myers Culture Shift Shift in Fundamental Purpose …… From teaching to learning Shift in Use of Assessments …… From summative to frequent formative …… From summative to frequent formative Shift in the Work of Teachers ….. From isolation to collaboration ….. From isolation to collaboration Shift in Response When Students Don’t Learn ….. From remediation to intervention. ….. From remediation to intervention.
Where do we begin at Myers Middle School? Ensure that all students’ learn. Build a culture of collaboration emphasizing teamwork. Focus on results – with multiple data points that drive instructional decisions.
Resources Anderson, D. (2012). Organization Development: The process of leading organizational change. Sage: Denver, Co.