And finally, there are of course some risks…. REDD+ Switzerland’s role in REDD+ Switzerland’s role in REDD+ REDD+ in the wider landscape of NRM and sustainable development….. The Swiss institutional landscape of REDD+: FOEN (Federal Office for the Environment) Lead UNFCCC negotiations GEF coordination SECO (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs) Carbon (economics and trade) FCPF (readiness + carbon fund) ITTO REDDES Bilateral: Indonesia Presidential REDD+ task force, R-PP Ghana, Peru private sector) SDC (Swiss Development Cooperation ) Global Programme Climate Change REDD+ in the wider context of CC A&M Regional programmes, incl. REDD+ Bilateral cooperation programmes
UNFCCC Policy Decisions on REDD+ Agreed Emission Reduction Scheme for REDD+ (Market? Fund?) PHASE III : IMPLEMENTATION Design ER-Methods Piloting first schemes and ER certificates UNFCCC Negotiations FCPF Carbon Fund READINESS FOR REDD+ (multilateral and bilateral) Regional approaches Additional Financing? FCPF Readiness PHASE I: REDD+ READINESS Organization and Consultation on REDD+ Developing a REDD+ country strategy Develop Reference Level Measurement, Reporting and Verification FIP PHASE II: MEASURES & INVESTM. Policies & Measures Sub-national investments UN-REDD UNFCCC COP 11 Montreal 2006 to COP 16 Cancun 2010 (including Bali Action Plan and Copenhagen Accord) REDD+ Partnership (71 countries +, policy exchange) time REDD+ Development – the Swiss Approach FOEN Supported by SDC SDC (GPCC) + SECO SECO (+ private sector)
SDC’s Global Programme Climate Change and REDD+ Global Regional Local Supporting global partnership analysis on the emerging role of forests and land-use in climate change mitigation and adaptation PROFOR (Programme on Forests of the Worldbank, since 2003) Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI, since 2008 REDD+ Partnership (since November 2010) UN-REDD/GEF, others??? Influencing pro-actively the UNFCCC process (LCA/KP) on forests Participation in the Swiss Delegation to UNFCCC Presence in international working groups and expert groups ASEAN Swiss Partnership on Forests and Climate Change, since 2008 Supporting the emerging climate change agenda in ASEAN Mainstreaming social forestry in ASEAN CC policies African Forestry Network and Climate change (since 2010) Building capacities in linking climate change and forestry CC and land-use policy development in sub-saharan Africa Andean forests and their role in climate change mitigation & adaptation (ECOBONA+) (since 2002, expansion 2011) Experience sharing and policy development Mountain ecosystems and forests in NAMAS and NAPAs Piloting NAMAS and NAPAS, locally and nationally, regionally agreed ASEANSub Sah. AfricaANDEAN Region Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia East Africa, West Africa, Southern Africa, Madagascar Mekong countries, Myanmar, Philippines, Indonesia