Dress Code Girls – three-finger width tanks; fingertip length skirts, shorts; no leggings unless accompanied by a fingertip length skirt or short Boys – pants around waist; zip tie or Dean’s Office – you choose. All – no hats, scarves on head, etc.
Tardy You are considered late to class if you are not in your seat at the bell. If you are tardy, you must complete a tardy form.
Missing Textbook/Materials You will not be allowed to leave class to retrieve missing materials. You need your textbook every day unless otherwise noted (example – test days). All materials are expected to be in-hand when in class. You will earn 2 points for every day you bring your materials to class: one for your text and one for your binder. With this in mind, please organize yourself for success. Please also be aware that backpacks and bags that can fit a textbook in them are not allowed in class.
Binders You will need a 1” binder for this class with 5 sections.
Bell Ringers Upon the ringing of the class bell, you will be required to begin your bell ringer assignment. Failure to begin the bell ringer may result in a teacher detention.
Sharpen Pencil/Missing Utensil If you need to sharpen your pencil during class, raise your pencil up with the tip in the air. This way I can send you to the sharpener without disrupting the class. If you fail to bring a writing utensil to class, you may borrow one from me. I ask that you exchange a pencil for your student ID. At the end of class, upon returning the pencil to me, you will be given back your ID.
Asking for a Tissue If you need Kleenex, I will have a box on my desk. However, again I ask that students do not leave their seat without permission. Therefore, if you need a tissue, please place your hand over your nose. This way I can either bring you a tissue, or I will direct you to get one without disturbing class.
Garbage If you need to throw something away, I would ask that you wait until the end of class to do so. Again, you are not allowed to leave your seat without permission. If the garbage on your desk is impeding your ability to function, please raise your hand and ask for permission to leave your seat.
Restroom Pass It is expected that if you need to use the restroom that you do so before class (between passing periods). Pass privileges will be revoked if a student uses a restroom pass to retrieve missing materials and/or is abusing their restroom privileges.
Handing In Assignments For the most part, I will collect assignments via the “pass it up” method. Late assignments must be given directly to me. Please do not leave them on my desk. If an assignment is left on my desk, it will not be accepted.
Retrieving Absent Work Daily agendas and assignments will be posted to Moodle. Missed assignments can be retrieved from Ms. Pecora either before or after class. Please do not disrupt class to tell me you were absent and need the assignment from the previous day.
Late Work Late work will be accepted, without penalty, only if the assignment has not been graded and handed back to the class. If the assignment has been graded by me and handed back (or is being handed back), that assignment is considered a “dead” assignment and will not be accepted. Project assignments will be given a due date. No late projects will be accepted (including for technological difficulties as you will be given ample time to complete the project, and you may use the computer labs at school).
Electronic Devices All electronic items need to be put away prior to me entering the classroom at the start of class bell. If an electronic device is seen by me at the time I enter the room for class to begin, I will take your phone. The first time I take your phone, you will be given a warning. From the second time on, it will be a different story. There may be times when I allow the use of electronic devices. I will let you know when this is the case. Even when the sign is green, THERE IS NO TEXTING DURING CLASS. It is to be used to listen to music only. Do not ask me if you can listen to music. I will determine based on many factors whether I will allow it.