WHAT METHODS ARE USED TO CHOSE CANDIDATES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE? The nominating process is the process of candidate selection. Nomination – the naming of those who will seek office is a critically important first step in the election process. Nominations are made in five different ways in this country: 1.Self-Announcement 2.Caucus 3.Convention 4.Direct Primary 5.Petition
ELECTIONS Administration of Elections 1.Election Day – 1 st Tuesday after the 1 st Monday in November 2.Early voting – polling locations open at discretion of county election officials, also can vote early by absentee ballot (voting by mail). 3.Coattail Effect – when a strong presidential candidate helps lower candidates win elections of the same political party. 4.Precinct – a voting district. 5.Polling Place – where voters actually go to vote.
Also called the Massachusetts ballot, from its early use there, the office-group ballot is the most common form of ballot used in the U.S.