The English Establish 13 Colonies Chapter 3 Section 1: Early Colonies have Mixed Success
The English Plan Colonies In the late 1500’s tensions grew between England and Spain for religious and political reasons. Spain had colonies in the America’s but England didn’t. England decided to start establishing colonies.
Reasons for England to start a colony (according to Richard Hakluyt): They would provide a market for English exports They could serve as a source of raw materials Would allow England to build up its gold supply by increasing trade Would help bring the Protestant faith to the Americas Mercantilism The main goal of mercantilism is to increase the money in a country’s treasury by creating a favorable balance of trade This means they have more exports than imports Colonies helped the parent country have the items for export
Financing a Colony To raise money to start colonies, England turned to the joint-stock company. Backed by investors (people who put in money to eventually earn a profit) Each investor received pieces of ownership of the company called shares of stock Then they split any profits and divided any losses Then King James I granted a charter to the Virginia Company of London and the Virginia Company of Plymouth to start a colony.
Jamestown is Founded in 1607 Virginia Company of London founded Jamestown in 1607 with more than 100 colonists. Very hard to live there Swampy Full of malaria carrying mosquitoes Sickness No clean water No Gold Spent their days looking for gold instead of building houses and farming Climate Hot humid summers Harsh winters
Jamestown Grows By 1608 there were only 38 colonists left alive John Smith took over control “He who will not work, will not eat.” Due to his methods, Jamestown was successful and by 1609, 800 more settlers came to live there
John Smith also persuaded the Powhatan tribe to trade their corn to the colonists. Tensions grew between the colonists and the Native Americans, so the Powhatan’s stopped trading with them and attacked the settlers. This time is known as the “starving time”
In 1612, the colonists learned how to grow tobacco which was very popular in England Caused the Virginia Company to view the settlers as employees Caused the settlers to want a share of the profits from the tobacco they were growing First African Americans arrived in Jamestown
The company decided to end the difference of opinion by letting the settlers own land. They worked harder if it was their own land Offered a 50 acre plot to every man, woman, and child who could pay their own way to the colonies. If a person could not afford to pay their way to the colonies, they could become an indentured servant Sold labor to the person who would pay their way to the colonies After working for a number of years, they were free
Colonists became annoyed with the strict rule of the governors that the King kept sending over to control the colony They decided that they would elect representatives, burgesses, that would meet once a year. The House of Burgesses was created in 1619
Conflicts with Powhatan Powhatan’s traded with colonists until they found out that the colonists wanted land. In an effort to improve these relations, John Rolfe married the Chief’s daughter, Pocahontas in 1614. After the marriage, the colonists learned how to grow corn, catch fish, and capture wild birds.
Tobacco farms were getting bigger and bigger because they made so much money. This caused the colonists to want more and more land from the Powhatan’s Eventually, in response to all the “land grabbing” by colonists, the Powhatan killed hundreds of Jamestown residents.
Bacon’s Rebellion The poor resented the rich because the governor showed favoritism toward the rich, and imposed taxes on the poor. Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion because the governor refused to approve a war against the Native Americans to seize their land for tobacco farms. During the rebellion, Bacon burned Jamestown to the ground Caused the House of Burgesses to pass laws that prohibit governors from ever having too much power again
Founding the Middle and Southern Colonies Chapter 3 Section 3 Founding the Middle and Southern Colonies
American Colonies: New England Colonies Founded By: Middle Colonies Southern Colonies New Hampshire Proprietors New York Dutch West India Company Maryland Lord Baltimore/ Roman Catholics Massachusetts Pilgrims/ Puritans Pennsylvania William Penn/ Quaker Virginia Virginia Company of London Connecticut Thomas Hooker/ Puritan New Jersey George Carteret John Berkeley North Carolina Rhode Island Roger Williams/ Baptist Delaware Swedes South Carolina Georgia James Oglethorpe/debtors
13 Colonies: