League of Women Voters of Richardson The LWV is a nonpartisan, political organization that Encourages informed and active participation in government Influences public policy through education and advocacy
Source: Google Images
% Voting-Age Citizens, Registered vs. Voted, by Geographic Area, November 2012 *Texas ranked 47 th among states in turnout for President. * Data sources available upon request
% Voting-Age Citizens, Registered vs. Voted, by County, November 2012 Data sources available upon request
Percent Registered Voters Who Voted, Texas, November Data sources available upon request 5 Voter Turnout
Fig. 5. % Votes of Selected Winning Candidates, May 2014 Texas Primary Runoff Republican Lt. Governor Runoff Patrick won with 65% votes Votes represented < 4% registered voters Democratic U.S. Senate Runoff Alameel won with 72% votes Votes represented 1% registered voters Data sources available upon request.6 The impact of low voter turnout
ElectionYearWinning CandidateVotesArea Presidential2000George Bush537FL U.S. Senate1946Lyndon B. Johnson87TX U.S. Senate2008Al Franken312MN State Rep. #72008Mike Kelly1AK State Rep.*2008Linda Harper-Brown19TX State Rep.**2010Donna Howard16TX City Council***2014Sarah Fincanon 23 Murphy Data sources available upon request.7 *District #105, Irving. **District #48, Austin. ***Two provisional ballots counted resulted in a tie and runoff election determined the winner. Vote Difference (No.) by Type Election, Year, Winning Candidate, and Geographic Area Does your vote count?
League of Women Voters8
Dates to Remember Last day to Register to vote or update your info – October 11 (Tues) Request a mail ballot – October 28 (Fri) Application must be received on Oct 28 Vote Early voting – Oct 24 - Nov 4 (M-F) Election Day – November 8 (Tues)
Voter Information Websites League of Women Voters10 VOTE411.org Election Information You Need Enter your address to get personalized election information VoteTexas.gov Texas Secretary of State VOTE Who – When – Where - How - What LWVRichardson.org A local nonpartisan resource Local voters guide LWVTexas.org A nonpartisan resource for voting & public policy issues
County Election Websites Early Voting & Election Day Times, Locations, Sample Ballot League of Women Voters11 DallasCountyVotes.org Dallas County Elections Department co.Collin.tx.us/elections Collin County Elections Department
Plan to be a voter … How difficult will it be for you to be a voter in the upcoming election? Cartoon from 12