Breastfeeding and Healthy Weight When is the baby ready to feed? How much milk does the baby take? How does the baby know when to stop feeding? What impact does early feeding behaviour have on later eating patterns?
Readiness to feed Uninterrupted skin to skin Watch for feeding cues Bring baby to breast when ready Feed as often and for as long as baby wants Establish and maintain milk supply
How much milk does baby take? Size of baby’s stomach Volume/consistency of colostrum Is baby attached as well as possible? Demand and supply
How does baby know when to stop? How milk changes over feed Leptin and adiponectin Who is in control of the feed?
Impact of breastfeeding on later eating practice Food as another toy – texture, handling, taste, food Letting baby start at their own pace Trusting baby to make judgement about hunger and satiety Continue to breastfeed
Baby Friendly Cornwall 2012 Antenatal information Support around birth and first feed Postnatal support from midwifery service Ongoing support from HV service Ongoing support from peer supporters at breastfeeding groups in Children’s Centres