Healthy Mouths for Babies NHS
Baby teeth are important
Teething starts from around 6 months
Early Childhood decay is one of the most common childhood diseases…
What causes tooth decay?
Best advice for babies Breast feeding provides the best nutrition Exclusive breast feeding is advised for the first six months Infant formula and cooled, boiled water if not breast fed. Infants should not be put to bed with a feeding bottle From six months infants should start drinking from a cup Bottle feeding should be discouraged from one year
Moving from milk to family foods
How to clean your baby’s teeth Acknowledgement of graphic source: NSW Department of Health. Early childhood oral health guidelines for child health professionals. Sydney. NSW Department of Health, 2009
Have regular dental check-ups Brush & floss Drink water Eat healthy food Your own dental health
Let’s work together
Thanks to… Centre for Oral Health Strategy NSW NSW Oral Health Promotion Network NSW Little Smiles Advisory Committee