CCLI# 2897150 Praise the Name. CCLI# 2897150 I cast my mind to Calvary where Jesus bled and died for me.


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Presentation transcript:

CCLI# Praise the Name

CCLI# I cast my mind to Calvary where Jesus bled and died for me

CCLI# I see His wounds, His hands, His feet My Saviour on that cursed tree

CCLI# His body bound and drenched in tears They laid Him down in Joseph’s tomb

CCLI# The entrance sealed by heavy stone Messiah still and all alone

CCLI# O praise the name of the Lord our God O praise His name forever more

CCLI# For endless days we will sing Your praise Oh Lord, oh Lord our God!

CCLI# Then on the third at break of dawn, the Son of Heaven rose again

CCLI# O trampled death where is your sting? The angels roar for Christ the King

CCLI# O praise the name of the Lord our God O praise His name forever more

CCLI# For endless days we will sing Your praise Oh Lord, oh Lord our God!

CCLI# He shall return in robes of white, the blazing Son shall pierce the night

CCLI# And I will rise among the saints, my gaze transfixed on Jesus’ face

CCLI# And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. - Philippians 2:8-11 (ESV)

CCLI# O praise the name of the Lord our God O praise His name forever more

CCLI# For endless days we will sing Your praise Oh Lord, oh Lord our God!

CCLI# O praise the name of the Lord our God O praise His name forever more

CCLI# For endless days we will sing Your praise Oh Lord, oh Lord our God!

CCLI# O praise the name of the Lord our God O praise His name forever more

CCLI# For endless days we will sing Your praise Oh Lord, oh Lord our God! Oh Lord, oh Lord our God! Oh Lord, oh Lord our God!