Alta - History Alta – and predecessor companies Carnation, Landmark and Western Breeders since 1965 Alta and Landmark merge in 1995 Koepon Holding purchases.


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Presentation transcript:

Alta - History Alta – and predecessor companies Carnation, Landmark and Western Breeders since 1965 Alta and Landmark merge in 1995 Koepon Holding purchases Alta in 2000 Focus to become one Company

Mr. Wijnand Pon Investment in Alta based on passion for large herd and progressive dairy farming

Koepon Garnwerd – The Netherlands Coopon Carse - Scotland Koepon Kaarz -Germany Other Koepon Farms: - Canada - Poland - UK Koepon Farms

Progressive Dairy Producers Alta - Ownership

Alta – Basics AltaADVANTAGE Focus on Fertility Partner for progressive dairy farmers around the world

International Watertown Housing PresentationCONFIDENTIAL7

Alta - Growth International Expansion Alta Advantage Create Value, Build trust, Deliver results

Alta sales retail in 12, wholesale in 60+ countries

Alta’s Growth

Alta - Future Alta Advantage Genomics Bull Power, Production, Distribution

Alta Advantage®  Only program to DNA test 100% of daughters  We eliminate mis-ID rate and related proof error  Only program to test exclusively in large dairy environments  185 herds averaging 1,000 milking cows per herd  Only program to compare to large contemporary groups  Advantage® daughters compared to average of 65 contemporaries (industry average = 5 cow contemporary)  Accurate source of economically valuable fertility & health trait performance evaluations

Alta IOTA 011HO09647 REGANCREST ALTAIOTA-ET TV TL TY O Man x Ito x Emory TPI 2184 säkerhet 94% Mjölk 925 Lbs Protein 44 Lbs +0.06% Fett 69 Lbs +0.13% Kalvningar far 6% Kalvningar mf 6% PL DPR Typ Juver Ben Säkerhet 90% 90 döttrar/53 besättningar