Abbreviations in Medicine (A and Numbers and Symbols) By Emma Sheeler and Tamera Hutchinson
Numbers & Symbols V = X = L = C = D = M = ‘ = “ = # = < = > = ,000 Foot Inch Number or Pound Less than Greater than
Numbers & Symbols (cont.) = = = = = = = = = Increase Decrease Change Degree Female Male 1 of something 2 of something 3 of something
A a = A&O = ABG = ABI = a.c. = ACF = ACLS = AD = ADH = ADHD = ADL = AHA = AIDS = before alert and oriented arterial blood gas ankle-brachial index before meals acute care facility advanced cardiac life support Alzheimer’s Disease antidiuretic hormone attention deficit hyperactivity disorder activities of daily living American Heart Association acquired immune deficiency syndrome
A (cont.) a.k.a. = AKA = ama = amb = AMA = ANA = ant = ARDS = ASA = ASAP = ASHD = AS = Also known as Above Knee Amputation against medical advice ambulate (walk) American Medical Association American Nurse Association anterior Adult respiratory distress syndrome Aspirin As soon as possible Atherosclerotic Heart Disease Aortic Stenosis
A (cont.) a.s. = a.d. = a.u. = Ax = left ear right ear both ears Axilla, axillary