Why MOOC? Teacher development through global social interaction Claire Ross ELT consultant, Claire Ross ELT
On MOOCs and learning
Your teacher development experiences Face to face or online? Moderated? Online CELTA, distance DELTA, online MA MOOC?
MOOCs are massive Tutor:participant ratio 1:15,000 Up to 7,000 comments/step Broad range of participants Different time zones
MOOCs are open Inclusive Actual participants might differ from target Diversity of needs, experience, contexts, learners
MOOCs are online Asynchronous …but with some synchronous events Convenient Self-driven
How do we learn and why is it important?
We learn from having experiences and reflecting on them, thus constructing our own knowledge… …and other people help us to do this... …and we interact with these people in multiple social networks. = Constructivism = Social constructivism = Connectivism
Connectivism Learning is a network phenomenon, influenced (aided) by socialization and technology… …Our desire to learn, to externalize, is a vital component of the learning process. Siemens (2006)
So, a TD MOOC needs to… be engaging. It should signpost learners to construct knowledge by reflecting on their own experiences… …and those of others… …through social interaction. Input is the beginning of the learning process, not an end in itself.
Case study
The MOOC in question – who and what is it for?
Who came?
94% are teachers of English 37% have taken online course before 62% rate their English as advanced
6% are not teachers of English 63% are new to online learning 38% rate their English as Int or below
Weekly theme
Classroom video
Interviews with experienced teachers
Image share
Links and downloads
End of week video
What interactions are possible?
Interactions – on the platform Like Comment Follow padlet image shares Vocaroo recordings Online portfolio All public!
Synchronous events – off the platform Facebook/Twitter clinics Live blabs
Observed behaviour
Asynchronous discussion development
Learning / friendship groups
Asking for help – and helping
Response to educators
Response to classroom videos It's interesting in way that the teachers who appeared in videos were from different regions. Teachers from different environment share the same anxieties.
Peer moderation
Trying things out – and reporting back
Tangents? Or self-directed learning?
Different people take different things
Social chat
Participation in live events
Online identities
The quiet ones…?
So what did the participants think?
What did you enjoy the most? Classroom videos Videos of interviews with experienced teachers Videotutor or articles Downloads Links to further information Writing your own comments Comments from other participants Comments from educators Live interactions Keeping a journal of your own learning or reflections
Most enjoyable Input Interaction Classroom videos Videos of interviews with experienced teachers Videotutor or articles Downloads Links to further information Writing your own comments Comments from other participants Comments from educators Live interactions Keeping a journal of your own learning or reflections 1 2 3
Most helpful Input Interaction Classroom videos Videos of interviews with experienced teachers Videotutor or articles Downloads Links to further information Writing your own comments Comments from other participants Comments from educators Live interactions Keeping a journal of your own learning or reflections 2 1 3
How well did you get to know the other participants?
How well did you get to know the educators?
Surprising? Other participantsEducators Very well or well46%60% Slightly/not very well44%34% Not at all6%2%
What surprised you? Size – massive! Interaction – more than I thought possible
What advice would you give?
Conclusions Limitations, but also opportunities Variety - of expectations, experience and contexts Input is the beginning of the learning process Interaction and input are valued by participants People learn from each other as well as the course A wide range of social interaction is possible… …and was observed
Thank you Claire Ross ELT consultant, Claire Ross ELT