NEXPReS WP5 - Cloud Correlation Work Package Overview Arpad Szomoru JIVE
20 September 2010NEXPReS- WP5: Cloud CorrelationSlide #2 Overview Who & why Work packages Resources, progress Deliverables & milestones
Who & why 20 September 2010NEXPReS- WP5: Cloud CorrelationSlide #3 Participants & FTEs: JIVE (87), MPG (9), AALTO (9), TUM (15) Purpose: Extend advantages of e-VLBI to all VLBI Transform complete VLBI observational chain: Scheduling, setting, actual observing, buffering, real-time - delayed correlation Transparent to user Enable modification of observational parameters on the fly Prepare and implement 4 Gbps recording/transmitting/playback And beyond...
20 September 2010NEXPReS- WP5: Cloud CorrelationSlide #4 Work packages Flexible buffering (JIVE, AALTO) Buffering at stations: Safeguard against loss through network failures Complement e-observations at later time with full network Mixed e/recorded VLBI first deliverable Buffering at correlator: Re-correlation with more stations, different parameters Mark5B needed (or C) 4 Gbps capability needed, hardware/software correlators Implementation of VDIF standard Integrate VDIF (and VTP?) in all EVN operations Corner turning platform
20 September 2010NEXPReS- WP5: Cloud CorrelationSlide #5 Work packages (2) Continuous quality monitoring & station remote control (TUM, MPG, JIVE) RPC-based client/server solution for station monitoring and remote control Authentication and authorization Extension of current station-log monitoring and feedback Near-continuous automated fringe checks Network monitoring (overlap with WP6) Automated network-dependent correlation (JIVE) Determination of sustainable data rates Scheduling of remote and local buffering Reliable operator feedback mechanisms Unattended correlation Rapid response to observers for timely decisions on re- correlation
20 September 2010NEXPReS- WP5: Cloud CorrelationSlide #6 Resources, progress Start date of project far from optimal (1st of July) Unavoidable delay in hiring One ad out, closing date October 1st (scientific software engineer at JIVE) Second ad possibly end of year One JIVE staff member retired One JIVE staff member to return from secondment at NRAO One engineer hired at MPG on August 1, at TUM from September 1 No hires yet at AALTO Sizable effort from available JIVE staff towards first deliverable, no serious delays expected First TUM/MPG deliverable expected on time First kick-off telecon held end of August
20 September 2010NEXPReS- WP5: Cloud CorrelationSlide #7 Deliverables 1.Mixed e-VLBI/recorded-VLBI at stations (3) 2.Metrics, selection criteria and user feedback (4) 3.Definition of specifications monitoring and remote control (4) 4.Automated job scheduling (9) 5.VDIF Mark5 conversion software (15) 6.Control systems and scheduling mechanisms for 4-Gbps recording equipment (18) 7.Unattended correlation (19) 8.Monitoring, remote control and client software including the authorization and authentication layer (22) 9.Control systems and scheduling mechanisms for 4-Gbps at correlator (23) 10.Corner-turning platform (24) 11.FS-integrated remote control system (28) 12.Automated delayed correlation (29) 13.Real-time correlation with simultaneous recording at the correlator (30) 14.Report on tests with Wettzell & Effelsberg stations (36) 15.Streamlined data reduction pipelines & user access (36)
20 September 2010NEXPReS- WP5: Cloud CorrelationSlide #8 Milestones 1.Definition of specifications monitoring and remote control (4) 2.Automated job scheduling (9) 3.Unattended correlation (19) 4.Control systems and scheduling mechanisms for 4-Gbps at correlator (23)