1 IP Service Authorization Support and Mobility Selection Source: QUALCOMM Inc.: Masa Shirota, George Cherian, Jun Wang, KDDI: Yusuke Hirano, Masanori Usui, Sprint: Brent Hirschman, SKT: Sean Kwak, Notice ©2008. All rights reserved. The contributors grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organizational Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner’s name any Organizational Partner’s standards publication even though it may include all or portions of this contribution; and at the Organizational Partner’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contribution or the resulting Organizational Partner’s standards publication. The contributors are also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner’s standard which incorporates this contribution. This document has been prepared by the contributors to assist the development of specifications by 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal on the contributors. The contributors specifically reserves the right to amend or modify the material contained herein and nothing herein shall be construed as conferring or offering licenses or rights with respect to any intellectual property of the contributors other than provided in the copyright statement above.
2 Requirements and Assumptions There are needs from operators to support authorization of IP services for dual stack IPv4 and IPv6 operations. The AT may be authorized with one or more of the following IP services: –IPv4 –IPv6 –MIPv4 –MIPv6 (If MIPv6 is authorized, IPv6 has also to be authorized.) –IPv4 with PMIPv4 –IPv4 PMIPv6 –IPv6 with PMIPv4 –IPv6 PMIPv6 X.S0028-A (WLAN Interworking) and X.S0054 (Converged Access Network) already support IP Service Authorization. X.S0011 should also be able to provide the same service. AT shall also be able to indicate mobility preference. –If CMIP is preferred by the mobile, it shall be able to inform the NW about it. NW makes the final decision on the selection of the mobility protocol based on local policy or IP Service Authorization information etc. PDSN does not inform AT about the selection between Simple IP and PMIP.
3 Proposal for IP Service Authorization During PPP authentication, the HAAA sends IP-Services-Authorized Attribute in an Access Accept Message if access authentication (CHAP, PAP) is successful. An implicit indication based on standard PPP, DHCP procedures will be used to indicate if a certain service is not authorized to the AT in stead of defining any new message from the PDSN. Legacy Mobile IPv4 single mode AT may not perform PPP authentication. In this case, IP Service Authorization relies on Mobile IP registration procedure. If the service is not authorized, MIP registration is failed.
4 IP-Services-Authorized Attribute
5 Implicit Indication for Non Authorization AT accesses with Simple IPv4 while Simple IPv4 is not authorized, but Mobile IPv4 is authorized. –The PDSN sends IPCP Configure Reject including IP address option. AT accesses with Simple IPv4 or Mobile IPv4 while both of them are not authorized. –The PDSN sends IPCP Protocol Reject. AT accesses with Mobile IPv4 while Mobile IPv4 is not authorized, but Simple IPv4 is authorized. –The PDSN sends IPCP Configure NAK proposing IP address option with assigned IP address. AT accesses with Simple IPv6 or Mobile IPv6 while both of them are not authorized. –The PDSN sends IPv6CP Protocol Reject. AT accesses with Mobile IPv6 while Mobile IPv6 is not authorized. –The PDSN sends DHCPv6 reply without VSP for HA information. –Or, the HA rejects a Binding Update.
6 Proposal for Mobility Selection Mobility Selection can be performed by using the same procedure specified in the previous slide for the Implicit indication in IP Service Authorization. New AT behavior –AT always perform PAP/CHAP authentication (This is required for AT that supports dual stack for Simple IP and Mobile IP in X.S0011-D v2.0.) –AT indicates the preference of CMIP by initiating CMIP based IPCP procedure AT sends IPCP-Config-Req (no address option) –If the AT receives IPCP-Config-Ack (no address option) it continues with CMIP Otherwise (if AT gets IPCP-Config-Nak (address option)) it assumes PMIP/Simple IP operation New PDSN behavior –PDSN selects the mobility option based on various factors including the following NW policy AT’s preference to use CMIP PDSN support of PMIP AT authorization to use a certain mobility protocol (based on the authentication procedure) –If the mobility option selected is ‘PMIP mobility’, then PDSN performs PMIP binding update procedure PDSN sends IPCP-Config-Nak (IP-address option) in response to IPCP-Config-Req (without IP address option) –Otherwise PDSN sends IPCP-Config-Ack (without IP address option)
7 Call-Flows – IPv4: New AT on new PDSN
8 Call flows – IPv4: Legacy AT on (new) PDSN
9 IPv6 mobility selection
10 Recommendation IP Service Authorization and IP Mobility Selection should be supported in X.S0011 family specifications (including X.S0061 PMIP). Adopt proposed concepts in this contribution.