Infill Master Plan October 23, 2007 Infill Master Plan October 23, 2007 Board of County Commissioners Discussion Item.


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Presentation transcript:

Infill Master Plan October 23, 2007 Infill Master Plan October 23, 2007 Board of County Commissioners Discussion Item

 Overview  Site Selection  Strategies and Recommendations  Implementation  Next Steps  Overview  Site Selection  Strategies and Recommendations  Implementation  Next Steps Presentation Outline

 Overview  Site Selection  Strategies and Recommendations  Implementation  Next Steps  Overview  Site Selection  Strategies and Recommendations  Implementation  Next Steps Presentation Outline

 Community revitalization  Accommodate residential needs  Stabilize and enhance existing neighborhoods  Use existing infrastructure  Community revitalization  Accommodate residential needs  Stabilize and enhance existing neighborhoods  Use existing infrastructure Overview Reasons for Infill/Redevelopment

Overview Definitions  Infill  New development on lots that have been passed over as an area developed  Redevelopment  Development on a lot that previously had been developed (generally results in intensification or change of land use)  Infill  New development on lots that have been passed over as an area developed  Redevelopment  Development on a lot that previously had been developed (generally results in intensification or change of land use)

 Identify vacant and underutilized parcels suitable for development  Identify potential corridors for redevelopment  Propose a county-wide infill and redevelopment strategy  Identify vacant and underutilized parcels suitable for development  Identify potential corridors for redevelopment  Propose a county-wide infill and redevelopment strategy Overview Infill Master Plan (Phase I)

 Overview  Site Selection  Strategies & Recommendations  Implementation  Next Steps  Overview  Site Selection  Strategies & Recommendations  Implementation  Next Steps Presentation Outline

Definition excludes –Planned developments –Parcels smaller than 5,000 square feet Result –30,000 parcels countywide Site Selection Vacant Parcels

Site Selection

 Within the Urban Service Area  Not within a Joint Planning Area  Within ¼ mile of major streets  Within ¼ mile of LYNX routes  Structures built prior to 1970 Site Selection Underutilized Parcels

 Residential – parcel size 2.5 times the minimum requirement  Non-residential – land valued at twice the value of the structure Site Selection Underutilized Parcels

 Residential parcels: 2,100 vacant and 2,800 underutilized  Non-residential parcels: 1,300 vacant and 400 underutilized Site Selection Results

 Includes : –Vacant and underutilized criteria –Safe neighborhood, CRA, Enterprise Zone  Excludes: –Enclaves –Pockets –Subdivisions Site Selection Infill Corridors

Pine Hills Infill Corridor West Colonial between Pine Hills Road and Kirkman Road 19 acres – vacant and underutilized Taxable value $9.3 Million Extensive neighborhood involvement Portions located in the Enterprise Zone Pine Hills Infill Corridor West Colonial between Pine Hills Road and Kirkman Road 19 acres – vacant and underutilized Taxable value $9.3 Million Extensive neighborhood involvement Portions located in the Enterprise Zone Site Selection

Edgewater Infill Corridor Edgewater Drive between Forest City Road and Naples Drive 111 acres – vacant and underutilized Taxable value $29 Million Extensive neighborhood Involvement Portions located in the Enterprise Zone Edgewater Infill Corridor Edgewater Drive between Forest City Road and Naples Drive 111 acres – vacant and underutilized Taxable value $29 Million Extensive neighborhood Involvement Portions located in the Enterprise Zone Site Selection

Goldenrod Infill Corridor East Colonial Drive between Goldenrod Road and Harrell Road 83 acres – vacant and underutilized Taxable value $14 Million Extensive neighborhood involvement Goldenrod Infill Corridor East Colonial Drive between Goldenrod Road and Harrell Road 83 acres – vacant and underutilized Taxable value $14 Million Extensive neighborhood involvement Site Selection

Americana Infill Corridor Between Texas and Tomoka Drive, from Holden to Oakridge 111 acres – vacant and underutilized Taxable value $9.3 Million Extensive neighborhood involvement Portions located in the Enterprise Zone and HUB Zone Americana Infill Corridor Between Texas and Tomoka Drive, from Holden to Oakridge 111 acres – vacant and underutilized Taxable value $9.3 Million Extensive neighborhood involvement Portions located in the Enterprise Zone and HUB Zone Site Selection

Pinecastle Infill Corridor Orange Avenue, between Lancaster Road and Sand Lake Road 162 acres – vacant and underutilized Taxable value $7.2 Million Moderate neighborhood involvement Pinecastle Infill Corridor Orange Avenue, between Lancaster Road and Sand Lake Road 162 acres – vacant and underutilized Taxable value $7.2 Million Moderate neighborhood involvement Site Selection

Infill Corridors Site Selection

 Overview  Site Selection  Strategies and Recommendations  Implementation  Next Steps  Overview  Site Selection  Strategies and Recommendations  Implementation  Next Steps Presentation Outline

 OC “expert” panel  Mini-analyses for five corridors  Committees –Design –Land Development Code –Infrastructure –Incentives and Marketing  OC “expert” panel  Mini-analyses for five corridors  Committees –Design –Land Development Code –Infrastructure –Incentives and Marketing Strategies and Recommendations Planning and Analysis

 Reduce pressure for expansion of development into rural areas  Community revitalization –Growing up, rather than growing old  Accommodate future residential needs –Based upon the residential capacity analysis  Reduce pressure for expansion of development into rural areas  Community revitalization –Growing up, rather than growing old  Accommodate future residential needs –Based upon the residential capacity analysis Strategies and Recommendations Goals

 Grow Smarter –Increase density and mix uses –Use existing infrastructure  Grow Greener –Support green building principles  Grow Richer –Provide economic opportunities –Incorporate workforce housing  Grow Smarter –Increase density and mix uses –Use existing infrastructure  Grow Greener –Support green building principles  Grow Richer –Provide economic opportunities –Incorporate workforce housing Strategies and Recommendations Strategies

 Planning  Parks and Recreation  Housing and Community Development  Planning  Parks and Recreation  Housing and Community Development Strategies and Recommendations Design Committee

 Design guidebook  Mixed uses  Florida Green Building Coalition standards  Design guidebook  Mixed uses  Florida Green Building Coalition standards Strategies and Recommendations Design Committee Recommendations

 Planning  Zoning  Housing and Community Development  Concurrency Management  Orange County Public Schools  Planning  Zoning  Housing and Community Development  Concurrency Management  Orange County Public Schools Strategies and Recommendations Land Development Code (LDC) Committee

 Revise Comprehensive Plan  Revise LDC  Coordination with OCPS  Ensure compatibility in scale and character  Revise Comprehensive Plan  Revise LDC  Coordination with OCPS  Ensure compatibility in scale and character Strategies and Recommendations LDC Committee Recommendations

ClassificationCharacteristicsIntensity Residential infill lot Mid-block or interior lot within a predominantly single family residential area Low intensity residential use; reflects residential surroundings Transitional infill lot Corner lot located in or near a predominantly residential area in which neighborhood- related uses would be ideal Moderate intensity; reflects residential surroundings, with modest increase in scale and use (i.e. duplex, or neighborhood store) Infill/ redevelopment corridor Commercial and office uses located along major roadways High intensity; characterized by concentrations of mixed uses Strategies and Recommendations

 Planning  Stormwater Management  Concurrency Management  Utilities Engineering  Transportation Planning  Planning  Stormwater Management  Concurrency Management  Utilities Engineering  Transportation Planning Strategies and Recommendations Infrastructure Committee

 Consider infill and redevelopment in CIP process  Promote connectivity in redevelopment projects  Use advanced technology for stormwater management  Consider infill and redevelopment in CIP process  Promote connectivity in redevelopment projects  Use advanced technology for stormwater management Strategies and Recommendations Infrastructure Committee Recommendations

 Planning  Parks and Recreation  Housing and Community Development  Planning  Parks and Recreation  Housing and Community Development Strategies and Recommendations Incentives and Marketing Committee

 Infill certification  Streamlined development review  Marketing plan  Website  Infill certification  Streamlined development review  Marketing plan  Website Strategies and Recommendations Incentives and Marketing Committee Recommendations

 Overview  Site Selection  Strategies & Recommendations  Implementation  Next Steps  Overview  Site Selection  Strategies & Recommendations  Implementation  Next Steps Presentation Outline

 Finalize plan  Infrastructure strategies that support infill  Design guidelines  Amendments (comp plan, zoning ordinance, LDC)  Marketing  Incentives (brownfields, workforce housing, certification)  Finalize plan  Infrastructure strategies that support infill  Design guidelines  Amendments (comp plan, zoning ordinance, LDC)  Marketing  Incentives (brownfields, workforce housing, certification) Implementation

 Overview  Site Selection  Strategies & Recommendations  Implementation  Next Steps  Overview  Site Selection  Strategies & Recommendations  Implementation  Next Steps Presentation Outline

 Stakeholder group meetings  Property owner survey  Redevelopment conference – March 2008  Implementation schedule –CPP, LDC, Zoning amendments – 10 to 12 months –Certification and streamlining – 12 to 18 months –Marketing plan – 12 months  Maintaining the team concept  Stakeholder group meetings  Property owner survey  Redevelopment conference – March 2008  Implementation schedule –CPP, LDC, Zoning amendments – 10 to 12 months –Certification and streamlining – 12 to 18 months –Marketing plan – 12 months  Maintaining the team concept Next Steps Phase II

Infill Master Plan October 23, 2007 Infill Master Plan October 23, 2007 Board of County Commissioners Discussion Item