Predator Prey Relationships
SpecialistSpecialist –Relies on something specific –Out competes generalist GeneralistGeneralist –Doesn’t rely on anything specific –Out adapts specialist Direct/specialist relationship
Food webs are sometimes simplified (conceptually) to the drama of a single predator-prey interaction but, these are the (proverbial) tip of the iceberg. Ecological community interactions are extremely complex…
Food web interactions can be: Direct and/or indirect. Acute and/or chronic. Spatially distinct and/or diffuse. Multigenerational and/or unique to a particular moment in time
How are communities regulated?
Keystone Species: Species that an entire ecosystem’s health depends on
Top-down regulation ( trophic cascade) : keystone species are predators Regulation of community structure…
Pisaster (starfish): Keystone Predator?
Robert Paine (1969)
Effects of removing a Keystone species
Wolves as a Keystone Predator Yellowstone wolves control elk populations in two important ways: 1)Elk population numbers are reduced 2)Modify elk behavior
The Ecology of Fear
Bottom-up regulation … Primary producers drive community structure? Regulation of community structure…
Bottom-up regulation… Primary producers drive community structure? Regulation of community structure…
Keystone Herbivory Regulation of community structure…
Madagascar Flying Fox: A Keystone Seed Disperser? Regulation of community structure…
Beaver- A keystone landscape engineer
Other Keystone Species
The End