Framework Update to Volition Members March 2016 Jane Williams – MH Strategic Commissioning Lead Jenny Thornton - Programme Manager Together we’re better
Leeds Mental Health Framework 1. Focus on keeping people well – to build resilience and self- management 2. Mental health and physical health services will be better integrated 3. Mental health services will be transformed to be recovery and outcome focussed 4. We will ensure access to high quality services informed by need 5. We will challenge Stigma and Discrimin- ation Mental Health Strategic Partnership Community Based Mental Health – Service Redesing Children and Families - Perinatal, Children & YP, Transitions Development of Information Portal Crisis and Urgent Care Key overarching projects
Why redesign CBMH services? Weaknesses of the current model No public information on how to access services Assumptions on what services can do No central assessment service so when GP’s make a referral it can be bounced back due to ineligibility Results in inappropriate referrals Repeat referrals and assessments increase waiting times and dis-engagement with services GP IAPT Mon - Fri Third Sector Orgs LYPFT SPA 24/7 CrisisCMHT Third Sector Orgs A & E 24/7 General Public
New Models Of Care/ Primary Care Wrap Around GP’s and Primary Care Liaison & Decision Support Assessment & brief intervention Specialist Complex Multi Disciplinary Intervention Challenges 3 Projects across city with differing governance arrangements Clinical Information sharing Interdependence with SPA, other offers e.g. Social Prescribing, Crisis Universal Services Practices self funding mental health roles Questions: How do we agree acceptance of common triage/assessment language from SPA given differing leads & governance Workforce development
Primary Care Wrap Around Leeds : 844,852 total pop Beeston LS & E27,385 population B City View Medical Practice B Leeds City Medical Practice Crossgates LS & E20,946 population B Manston Surgery B Ashfield Medical Centre B * Shaftesbury Medical Centre Church View site Armley LW32,126 population B Armley Medical Centre B Priory View Medical Centre B Thornton Medical Centre Chapeltown LN41,743 population B Chapeltown Family Surgery B Newton Surgery B ONE MEDICARE – HILTON RD Y ONE MEDICARE – THE LIGHT B St Martins Practice B Westfield Medical Centre B Woodhouse Surgery 122,200 *15% of Leeds total population * Includes estimate from total Shaftesbury Medical Centre population
Mental Health Information Hub Purpose To provide the citywide “go to” place for mental health – in public domain, improving access to information, reducing stigma, increasing self management. Why? Because everyone wants improved access to of information about mental health and it is one of the key issues raised in any feedback ………………..
Mental Health Information Hub Hub Development & Management Project Sponsor Jane Williams Project Lead Alicia Ridout based with mHabitat Content Manager Niccola Gallear – based with Volition (12 month post) Current restructuring project management to separate out: Strategic development Clinical oversight Hub Design and Branding Commissioned from a design agency called YouMee Taking co-productive approach to the content structure Completion date late Summer 2016