The Citizenship Process! What makes a Citizen of the U.s.a?
CITIZENSHIP BY BIRTH 1. Jus Soli – born on American soil. 2.Born in an American territory : Puerto Rico, Guam and/or Military bases overseas. 3.Parent(s) are citizens. 4.Any child born on American soil.
What if I am an immigrant and want to become a citizen??? The Naturalization Process: This is the process where immigrants may become citizens of the US.
What if I am an immigrant and want to become a citizen??? 1.Sign a Declaration of Intention. 2.Live in the US for at least 5 years. 3.Interview and a Series of exams: reading, writing, speaking and facts about history. 4.Attend ceremony where you pledge an oath of allegiance.
What about non-citizens? Aliens – non-citizens (foreigners) –US restricts the number of legal aliens accepted each year (675,000). –Priority of citizenship goes to family members of current citizens and aliens serving in the military –Most aliens, therefore, are here illegally. –Immigration Act of 1990 – citizenship is a priority for skilled aliens (ie doctors, engineers) before unskilled aliens (farmers, factory workers).
LEGAL VS. ILLEGAL!!! Legal Aliens Are here legally with a work or student Visa Come looking for a better life through work or education May hold jobs in America (but cannot be President, work in the government, etc.) Illegal Aliens Are here ILLEGALLY by crossing the border. Come looking for a better life Laws forbid people from hiring illegal aliens. If they are found, they are deported- the government sends them back to their country of origin.
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Citizen Can own property Can attend school Can travel through the country Must obey laws Must pay taxes Can hold ANY job they choose CAN vote Can NOT be deported Legal Alien Can own property Can attend school Can travel through country Must obey laws Must pay taxes Can have a job – but NOT any job Can NOT vote CAN be deported
Green Card – 10 yearsVisa – 2 years
LET’S REVIEW! How can you automatically be a citizen? A.You’re cool. B.You were born on American soil. What do you call a legal immigrant? A.Illegal alien. B.Legal alien. What is the process taken to become a citizen? A.Naturalization. B.Procrastination.
What is the difference between a green card and Visa? Dual citizenship in a country of your choice…is it possible? How many years does a green card last? What about a Visa?
What is The Bill of Rights? The government gives its citizens rights or guarantees that must be protected under law! The Bill of Rights: The first 10 amendments of the Constitution that guarantee certain basic rights to all Americans.
The First Amendment-found in the Bill of Rights in the Constitution
The First Amendment Five basic freedoms/rights are guaranteed in the first amendment! 1.Freedom of Religion ! 2.Freedom of Assembly! 3.Freedom of Press! 4.Freedom of Petition! 5.Freedom of Speech!
Freedom of Religion- following a system of faith
The Freedom of Religion Prohibits Congress from establishing an official religion in the US. Protects the freedom of Americans to practice any faith they wish. The government may NOT favor any one religion over another.
Freedom of Speech-right to speak on issues and government and offer opinions and beliefs
Freedom of Speech Guarantees that we can say what is on our minds, in public or in private, without fear of punishment by the government. “freedom of expression” this includes spoken words, internet communication, art, music and even clothing.
Freedom of the Press—the right to gather, write, and print any information including criticism of the government.
Freedom of the Press Allows Americans to express themselves in print as well as speech. Refers to media: such as books, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and computer networks. The government cannot practice “censorship” (cannot ban printed materials or films because they contain alarming of offensive ideas.)
Freedom of Assembly-right to gather in groups to discuss, deliberate, worship, or protest
Freedom of Assembly Americans have the right to gather in groups for any reason, as long as the assemblies are peaceful. We have the right to attend: –Meetings, political rallies –Parades, public celebrations We have the right to form and join social clubs, political parties, labor unions and other organizations.
Freedom of Petition-right to ask the government to correct wrongs it has done to a citizen
Freedom of Petition Americans have the right to petition the government ! Petition: a formal request i.e. a written statement signed by hundreds or thousands of people. Americans have the freedom to express ideas to the government!
Limits of the First Amendment Limitations are decided by the Supreme Court for the safety and security of Americans. –You cannot endanger other Americans by provoking riots, crimes, or other violent behavior. –Cannot interfere with the rights of others! –You may not spread lies: Slander: lies spoken Libel: lies printed
14 th Amendment-all citizens are provided due process by the states and “equal protection under the law.”
Due Process-all persons accused of a crime must be treated fairly by the state/government so their rights are preserved or served