CEPC 真空盒研制进展 2016/4/27. 报告内容 1. 真空盒材料 2. 真空盒形状 3. 真空盒热应力计算.


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Presentation transcript:

CEPC 真空盒研制进展 2016/4/27

报告内容 1. 真空盒材料 2. 真空盒形状 3. 真空盒热应力计算

真空盒材料 The synchrotron radiation power deposited on the arc chamber wall would entail using a water-cooled high electrical conductivity chamber material (aluminum or copper). The extruded aluminum chambers have been used in the LEP storage ring; Copper is preferred in the CEPC dipole chamber design because of its naturally lower molecular yields, lower electrical resistance, higher thermal conductivity, and good radiation self-shielding. 3






LEP aluminum vacuum chamber (11.7m long) The aluminum chamber manufacturing procedure is: Extrusion of the chambers, Machining of the pumping slots, Machining of the components to be welded, Chemical cleaning, Welding of the side ports, Mounting of the NEG strips, Welding of the covers of the pumping channel, water connections and flanges, Leak detections, Lead coating of the outside chamber. 11

CEPC copper vacuum chamber (elliptical100  55, thickness 6, length 8000) The copper chamber manufacturing procedure follows these steps: Extrusion of the beam pipe and cooling channel, Machining of the components to be welded, Chemical cleaning, Electron-beam welding, Welding of the end flanges and water connections, Leak checks, NEG coating of the inside chamber. 12


Finite element analysis for copper vacuum chamber: E=120GeV, I=2  A; The highest temperature reaches 72  C; The maximum stress is 141MPa; The maximum deformation is 1.2  mm. 14