Prince William County Public Schools Strategic Plan “Providing a World-Class Education” Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction November 14, 2013 Dr. Jennifer Coyne Cassata, Director, Office of Accountability
PWCS Mission Statement: Providing A World-Class Education What Does This Mean ? 1.The focus is on teaching and learning, enhanced by professional learning communities 2.All students achieve high standards 3.Instruction is engaging and rigorous 4.Reading/writing literacy taught in all content areas 5.There is a sense of belonging – including all students 6.We develop student assets 7.Schools/offices are inviting, welcoming, and customer oriented 8.We will accomplish our Strategic Plan by working together
PWCS Vision Statement In Prince William County Public Schools, all students will learn to their fullest potential. The education of each student will be individualized and developmentally appropriate. Student learning will be enhanced by national, global, and multicultural perspectives. 16
Vision Statement continued… Students who graduate from Prince William County Public Schools will possess the basic knowledge and skills that will assure their proficiency in problem solving and the use of technology. Graduates will have a desire to learn and the skills to be life-long learners. They will be responsible citizens. All graduates will be competent to enter the work world and prepared to pursue advanced educational opportunities. 17
55 Systems Thinking: Clear Direction Revise plans based on findings, new requirements, and new learning Formulate plans - including processes, measurement, and deployment requirements Monitor progress and do assessments Deploy/execute plans
6 Big Ideas What do we want all graduates to know and do? What is required K -12 for graduates to be able to meet PWCS requirements? What is the continuum that allows for academic coherence? Who participates in PWCS programs? Does this allow PWCS to accomplish its goal for graduates?
7 The Continuum Graduates – Planning with the end in mind –Graduation Rate –Advanced Studies Diplomas –AP/IB/Cambridge/CTE Licensing –SAT scores Working backwards –Grade 3READING –Grade 5MATH –Grade 6READING and MATH –Grade 8ALGEBRA 1 and WORLD LANGUAGES
Strategic Plan Goals 1.All students meet high standards of performance. 2.The teaching, learning, and working environment is caring, safe and healthy, and values human diversity.
Strategic Plan Goals 3.Family and community engagement create an environment focused on improved student learning and work readiness. 4.Faculty, staff, and leaders are qualified, high performing, diverse, and motivated. 5.The organizational system is aligned, integrated, and equitable.
Meeting Performance Standards Accreditation Federal accountability targets Students scoring at pass advanced level Research paper Graduates passing AP/IB/Cambridge exams SAT/ACT 10
11 Equitable Access and Challenging Opportunities at All Levels Reducing achievement gaps Achieving benchmarks in specific areas –Elementary: 3 rd grade reading 5 th grade mathematics –Middle: 6 th grade extended language arts and mathematics Algebra 1 and world languages 8 th grade reading and mathematics –High: 9 th grade students passing all four core content areas Advanced courses and certification and licensure Graduation (diploma type, diploma seals) Continuing education Increasing participation in specialty, gifted, and advanced programs Ensuring equitable access to opportunities in the fine and performing arts Reducing disproportionality in special education
Strategic Measure Each year, schools and the Division will meet or exceed all Federal Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) in reading and mathematics. 5
(Red bar indicates target for 2013) Target has been met for reading (66%). New assessments introduced in Therefore, no trend data are available. 9
Strategic Measure Each year, schools and the Division will meet or exceed all Federal Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) in reading and mathematics. (Red bar indicates target for 2013) Performance improved from to PWCS outperformed state averages. 10
Strategic Measure Each year, 40% of graduates will have received a qualifying score on one or more advanced exams (AP, IB, Cambridge). 17
Strategic Measure Each year, SAT scores will meet or exceed state and national average scores. 18
Strategic Measure Each year, the percent of 5 th grade students scoring at the advanced level on the grade 5 math SOL test will increase over the prior year. 29
Strategic Measure By 2015, 40% of 8 th grade students will have taken and received a verified credit in Algebra I by the end of their 8 th grade year. 33
Strategic Measure By 2015, 60% of graduates will have taken an AP, IB, or AICE course, or a course with certification or licensing in a recognized industry, trade, or profession. 41
Graduation Rates PWCS is committed to increasing graduation rates VDOE uses three different rates for graduation for different purposes (handout) –On-Time Graduation Rate –Graduation and Completion Index –Federal Graduation Indicator Graduation rates have been increasing 20
Strategic Measure Each year, 90% of 12 th grade students will graduate within four years of beginning 9 th grade. Key: OGR= On-Time Graduation Rate, FGI=Federal Graduation Indicator 47
Satisfaction Survey (1.4.1) Each year, 85% of stakeholders will be satisfied with the quality of the instructional program. 65
Satisfaction Survey (5.4.2) Each year, 85% of customers will be satisfied with the overall quality of the School Division. 71
24 Strategic Plan for FY Development Timeline Initial work beginning during Stakeholder input (Spring-Fall 2014) –Level Meetings –Teacher Forums –Division Advisory Councils –Meeting with Business/Community Leaders –Public Hearings –Online Comment Site Superintendent’s Staff review (Fall 2014) Approval by School Board (Winter )