D Open access is about access and re-use, but it is also about being able to contribute and participate in global conversations - developing region concerns.


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Presentation transcript:

d Open access is about access and re-use, but it is also about being able to contribute and participate in global conversations - developing region concerns Dominique Babini, Session 2: The role of repositories Workshop “Unlocking the future: Open Access communication in a global research environment” Global Research Council (GRC) - Research Councils UK (RCUK) London, British Library, 1-2 April 2015

In this presentation – A developing region strategy for OA – Risks for developing regions: OA being integrated into commercial publishing – Role of repositories in shaping the future of OA 1.repositories as publishing platforms 2.repositories as source of indicators for research evaluation 3.repositories as facilitators for research cooperation and open science

The scientific record should be free of financial barriers for any researcher to contribute to. (ICSU goals for OA, 2014) …undue publication barriers must be avoided… …..minimize any barriers to international research collaboration…. (GRC Action Plan OA, 2013) These visions about open access

have a different strategic approach in a developing region Latin America and the Caribbean Consultation on Open Access to Scientific Information, sponsored by UNESCO, 23 countries represented, Kingston, , recommended Gold and Green routes are suitable form of OA for the region – For Green routes, inclusive and cooperative OA solutions should be promoted to avoid new enclosures – the Gold OA route in the region should continue its present emphasis on sharing costs. LTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/news/report_open _access_en.pdf

Examples of scholarly community led OA journal portals in developing regions SciELO and Redalyc in Latin America (1.300 OA peer- review journals with no APC´s) SciELO South Africa (49 OA journals) Africa Journals Online-AJOL (188 OA journals) JOLs/INASP (314 OA journals): Bangladesh, Mongolia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Honduras + journals from developing regions with no APC´s (DOAJ)

universities are taking charge of journal publishing in OA platforms e.g.: Latin America universities with more than 100 journals each, in OJS platforms, with no APC´s revistas.unam.mx UNAM, MéxicoUniv. Sao Paulo, Brazil Univ. Chile

OA managed by the scholarly community sharing costs, with no APC´s now faces trends of open access being integrated into commercial publishing

No relation of APC´s with research funds/research salaries in developing regions Average APCs USD 2.097/2.727 per article, for article processing charges (APCs) by “subscription publishers” USD average per article by “non-subscription publishers” Source: Björk B-C, Solomon D.(2014). Developing an effective market for open access article processing charges. issues/Open-access/Guides/WTP htm No funds for APC´s - grants with no funds for APC - no relation of APC´s with salaries e.g.: senior monthly salaries – Indian Council of Agricultural Research USD 1,500 – Argentine university ecology researcher USD 1,200 – Sudan university epidemiology researcher USD 350 – Ukraine university full professor USD 1.138

role of repositories in shaping the future of OA: a developing region perspective 1.repositories as publishing platforms 2.repositories as source of indicators for research evaluation 3.repositories as facilitators for research cooperation and open science

role of repositories in shaping the future of OA: a developing region perspective 1.repositories as publishing platforms 2.repositories as source of indicators for research evaluation 3.repositories as facilitators for research cooperation and open science

1. repositories as publishing platforms: diversity of outputs, local and international interest managing and rewarding peer-review of non- peer-reviewed contents in repositories metadata describing the evaluation process and the quality levels of contents integrate journal publishing in repositories support for infrastructure (individual/shared), training, advocacy, interoperability, policies

1. repositories as publishing platforms: advances in OA policies requiring repositories for gov- funded research, the case of Latin America AO national legislation approved by Congress in – Peru (2013) – Argentina (2013) – Mexico (2014) OA legislation proposal in Congress – Brazil (since 2007) – Venezuela (2014) Challenge: implementation strategies and funding

1. repositories as publishing platforms: cooperation needed from publishers in support of developing regions For articles with authors/co-authors from developing regions institutions automatic “export” of released articles after embargo period, to: Recipient repositories: – national S&T repositories if available – or author´s institutional repository if available

role of repositories in shaping the future of OA: a developing region perspective 1.repositories as publishing platforms 2.repositories as source of indicators for research evaluation 3.repositories as facilitators for research cooperation and open science

2. repositories as source of indicators for research evaluation agreements on OA indicators for evaluation indicators on quality and relevance of individual research outputs (research report, datasets, journal articles, books/book chapter/conference papers,…) training evaluators review the reward and peer-review systems

role of repositories in shaping the future of OA: a developing region perspective 1.repositories as publishing platforms 2.repositories as source of indicators for research evaluation 3.repositories as facilitators for research cooperation and open science

3. repositories as facilitators of open, collaborative, and distributed research and publishing platforms where “publication” is continuous with new collaborative writing, reviewing and publishing practices diversity of research and scholarly outputs and formats, with metadata identifiyng – levels of quality – peer-review processes – licences for reuse interoperability: support national, regional, international initiatives

Need: international debate and consensus 1.repositories as publishing platforms 2.repositories as source of indicators for research evaluation 3.repositories as facilitators for research cooperation and open science

Examples of international support needed Report on research and scholarly community perceptions of future directions in research communications and the repositories role (COAR- SPARC) Next generation repositories project (COAR) Interoperability of repositories – Institutional/national/regional repositories – Subject repositories – Journal repositories

Dominique Babini – CLACSO, Open Access Program University of Buenos Aires/IIGG – Open Access Thank you!!!!