PNP Section 4.3,3.6
Schedule 109/25ThursdayPNP 4.3, /30TuesdayBJT in saturation 4.5 L9/30Tuesday Measure Beta of a transistor
Modes of Operation BE\BCForward BiasedReverse Biased Forward BiasedSaturationActive Reverse BiasedReverse Active Mode Cut-Off Applications: 1. Saturation and cut-off mode are used in digital circuits. 2. Active mode is used in the amplifier design.
Collector Voltage Versus Base Current
VBE versus IB
VCE Versus IB
Base Current The proportional of hole current and electron current is determined by dopants (N D and N A ). Even though the presence of holes are minimized, a small number of holes still must enter through the base. Hole current electron current
Operation of an NPN Transistor in the Active Region Electrons are injected into the BC junction Electrons are injected into the B; holes to the E. Electrons are swept across the reversed biased BC
BJT Current Assumption: BEJ: Forward Biased BCJ: Reverse Biased
Extension of a PNP transistor (NPN transistor) (PNP transistor) 1.Emitter-base junction is forward biased. 2.Holes are injected into the base. 3.Base-collector junction is reverse Biased. 4.Injected holes in the base is swept across the base-collector junction by the electric field.
Large Signal Model of a BJT Called “large” signal model because this model is applicable even if V BE changes from 300 mV to 800 mV
Large-Signal Model of BJT Transistors (NPN)(PNP) E C E C
Use 2n3904 npn BJT in Simulation (Error!, put 2n3904 here!)
Include 2n3904 (NPN) model