At approximately four (4) square miles in size, Lake Hopatcong is the largest freshwater body in New Jersey
Why do we need to dredge? Eutrophication: are natural physical, chemical and biological changes to an estuary, lake or slow moving stream over (geologic) time due to plant material (mostly phosphorus and nitrogen).
Man-Made Causes Increased nutrient and sediment loads in stormwater runoff via sheet flow and point source discharges. Nutrients Silts & sediments X-factor = Temperature
BMP’s to reduce sediment and nutrient loads Restore/protect the riparian zone. Lake Hopatcong is classified as a trout maintenance waters and has a 150’ RZ. Install and MAINTAIN in-line mechanical sediment traps, like storm-ceptors or vortechnic units. Construct in-line vegetative swales before the stormwater discharges into waterbody. Construct natural fore bays or check dams along upstream tributaries
Permits in your tool belt you may need Flood Hazard Area Control Act Rules; 7:13 et al –FHA IP –FHA GP –FHA Permit-by-rule Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act; 7:7A et al –FWW GP 13 –FWW GP 1 –FWW GP 19
State ownership The State of New Jersey owns a large portion of the Lake and any work proposed within the State owned portion must have an authorized representative from the Division of Parks and Forestry sign the “property owner” section on the DLUR application form. Contact: Mark Texel, Director of Division of Parks and Forestry, or
What activities do not require a Land Use permit? Any activity to remove sediments from the Lake by “hand” with no machinery and with no disturbance to freshwater wetlands, freshwater transition area or riparian zones. Hydro-raking is not regulated in Lake Hopatcong. There are no known State endangered or threatened aquatic vegetation in Lake Hopatcong
What activities do not require a Land Use permit? Docks that do not impact freshwater wetlands or transition areas do not require a FWW permit. If re-facing, mortaring or minor repairs are needed to a lake wall or bulkhead, than no FHA or FWW permits are required
What’s regulated ?? Any activity to remove localized discharged sediments from a lawfully, existing man-made conveyance structure, such as pipe, culvert, ditch or basin, from the Lake by a public entity shall require a Flood Hazard Area General Permit 4. Your compliance statement must address 7: If this activity disturbs any freshwater wetlands or freshwater wetland transition areas, than a Freshwater Wetland General Permit 13 shall also be required. Your compliance statement must address 7:7A-5-13.
What’s regulated ?? An activity to remove sediment from the Lake with machinery shall require a Flood Hazard Area Individual Permit. Your compliance statement must address 7: If the activity proposes to disturb freshwater wetlands or freshwater wetland transition areas, than a Freshwater Wetland General Permit 13 shall also be required. Your compliance statement must address 7:7A-5.13
Docks Docks, Walls, Boat Ramps Docks are regulated by FHA Permit-By-Rule (b)14. Please see 7:13-7.2(b)14. If there is any proposed disturbance to freshwater wetlands or transition area for the dock, than a Freshwater Wetlands General Permit 19 shall be required. Your compliance statement must address 7:7A-5.19
Walls Docks, Walls, Boat Ramps If a portion or the entire wall needs to be replaced, it must be replaced in-kind (same location and materials unless better material exists) and shall require a Freshwater Wetlands General Permit 1 and a Flood Hazard Area Individual Permit. Your compliance statement must address 7:7A-5.1 and 7: respectively. If there is no wall or just remains of an old wall, then a Freshwater Wetlands General Permit 20 is required. Your compliance statement must address 7:7A In addition, a Flood Hazard Area Individual Permit is required. Your compliance statement must address 7:
Boat Ramps Docks, Walls, Boat Ramps If the proposed boat ramp is greater than 1000 square feet in size and is a PUBLIC boat ramp, than a Flood Hazard Area Individual 7: and a Freshwater Wetlands General 7:7A-5.19 shall be required and these statutes must be addressed in a compliance summary. If the proposed boat ramp is for private use, the applicant will still need the FHA-IP, but will also need a Freshwater Wetlands Individual Permit and address 7:7A-7.1 et al.
What do I do with this dredge stuff? All dredge material must be disposed of outside of regulated areas like freshwater wetlands, freshwater wetland transition areas, riparian zones or within the 100 – year flood fringe. All dredge spoils shall be disposed of in a lawful manner in an appropriate repository.
Timing Restrictions for Lake Hopatcong Hibernating turtles:November 1 thru April 1 (this is for lake lowering and commencement of work) Trout maintenance: March 15 thru June 15 Warm-water fish: May 1 thru June 30
BUREAU OF INLAND REGULATION Christopher Squazzo Environmental Specialist III Bureau of Inland Regulation Division of Land Use Regulation P.O. Box 420, Mail Code 501-2A Trenton, NJ Phone: NJDEP website: