RESUME Mrs. Jolliff - CFM
Page Formatting for Resume Top Margin 1 inch Left Margin 1 inch Right Margin 1 inch Bottom Margin 1 inch Gutter – don’t change Page Layout - Margins
Choose a font that is easy to read such as Times New Roman Do not use Italic – it’s hard to read Stick to one font throughout the entire resume Use CAPITAL LETTERS, Bold or Underline to emphasize information
Personal Contact Information Full Name First Name Middle Name Last Name
Personal Contact Information Mailing Address - Permanent and Mailing Address - College P.O. Box Mechanic Street Copenhagen, NY Telephone Number (315) address if you have one
Education Your most recent school goes first with the following information listed: School Name Copenhagen Central School Address P.O. Box 30 Copenhagen, NY (315) Expected Graduation Date: June 2017 OBJECTIVE
Computer Skills Microsoft Word Excel PowerPoint Internet Publisher CADD Data Studio Naviance Photoshop Firefox I-Movie Movie Maker Photobooth Equipment Printer CD Burner PC Mac Digital Camera Scanner DVD Player Fax Video Camera Flash drive I-Pad Software Hardware Skills – Fluent in Spanish
Concentration Math Business Art English Spanish Music History BOCES Science Honors Student of the month Honor Roll High Honor Roll Academic awards – highest average Most improved
WORK EXPERIENCE- (List for each job) List Jobs that you have had paid or unpaid – List most recent first. Give name and address, phone number Describe your duties who you worked for, and when you worked there. If still working there put 12/10 -Present
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Soccer – 9, 10 All Star Basketball Softball Baseball Tennis Wrestling MOW Volleyball Football Swimming Track Hockey Common Ground Golf Student council FFA SADD Majorettes 4-H Cheerleading Buddy Program Yac Ski Club Bowling Martial arts Honor Society Boy Scouts –Eagle Scout Girl Scouts Spanish Club Video Club Whiz Quiz Environthron Yearbook Odyssey of the Mind HOBY
Community Service Habitat For Humanity Relay for Life
HOBBIES AND INTERESTS Writing Fishing Skiing Trapping Singing Dancing Biking Snowmobiling Horseback Riding 4-wheeling Ice skating Computers Reading Driving Weight Lifting Swimming Golfing Hunting Sewing Traveling Dog Sledding Drawing Snowboarding Camping Skateboarding Dirtbike Riding
References 3 References – Over 18 years of age Not a relative Known for at least 1 year (Teachers and former employers make good references) REFERENCES Available on Request Name Address Phone No. address (if have one) Occupation
REFERENCES YOUR NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER ADDRESS 3 References – Over 18 years of age Not a relative Known for at least 1 year (Teachers and former employers make good references) Name Address Phone No. address Occupation Reference Page Information and Format Top Margin 1 inch Left Margin 1 inch Right Margin 1 inch Bottom Margin 1 inch Gutter – don’t change